Hen Party: Menu Suggestions

Low budget

Frisée salad, fine pasta and a delicate fresh lemon cream

The ingredients for these dishes are cheap, and most of them are in the supermarket around the corner. The menu is still sophisticated enough to send your friend into marriage in a dignified way:

Starter: Frisée salad with fruits or basil salad with mozzarella and bacon

Main dish: Fettuccine with mushrooms and tomato or Crepe alla bolognese

Dessert: Latte macchiato flan or lemon cream

Fast and easy

Corn-coconut soup, fried zander and a cool sorbet

Here, even the inexperienced do not sweat: All dishes are fast and cooked very light - it's even easier if you prepare the menu in three and each takes a gear.

Starter: Corn Coconut Soup or Cold Pea Yogurt Soup

Main dish: Fried pike-perch with gremolata or pork medallions with meat tomatoes

Dessert: Amaretto trifle or cava and lemon sorbet


Gado-Gado, baked fish packets and a bittersweet Inger parfait

You want to send your girlfriend into marriage with trendy Far Eastern food? Voilà: Here are two delicious starters, main courses and desserts.

Starter: Curry chicken soup with chili gremolata or gado-gado

Main dish: Baked fish packets or grilled coriander turkey

Dessert: Ginger parfait or coconut pudding

Pure sin

Fine consommé, noble lamb fillet and a sherry zabaione - wonderfully sinful!

Sometimes you should not mess, but paddling. With this particularly sumptuous menu, prepare your girlfriend a really great farewell evening.

Starter: Consommé with shrimps, mushrooms and sherry by Lea Linster or ravioli with salmon and trout caviar by Lea Linster

Main dish: St. John's fish on zucchini vegetables from Lea Linster or lamb fillet with tomatoes and thyme

Dessert: Red wine mousse with white chocolate or sherry zabaione

Hen Party Food Ideas (May 2024).