Help, he is not standing! What a man thinks when he can not for the first time

Something is different than usual, everything takes longer. This woman to open the bra, peel it from the pants and the thing with the rubber? I have yet to grow into it. Surgeons can thread a thread with just one hand. This is more complex, even with four hands, and the attempt is about as pitiful as playing Mikado with cooked spaghetti. I do not want to say that I usually fall in with women at the door, but right now I'm not even in the same neighborhood.

Beautiful, magical, but ineffective

She does not give up, intensifies her efforts, kisses my neck, my chest, my stomach and oh, ooooh. Now it has to be. No, not necessarily. What she is doing is beautiful, magical, but unfortunately, ineffective. Not now, my friend! And not with her, not with this madwoman, please! If the body does not obey, or parts of it, then that's hard. Or not right now. Acute organ failure in the lumbar region. My erectile tissue is a bouncy castle with too little air in it to have fun, but too much to not even try.

I'm loony

The head, probably. Certainly, hopefully it's a head problem. Or does it become chronic? And if so, when? After the second time, the third, fourth, fifth? Now? It is the unknown that a man is afraid of, and now I encounter what I did not know before: an erectile dysfunction. Or is that impotence? Sip.

No, no, these are two different things. I know that, of course I know that. Erection is the ability to get one up. Potency is the ability to have hot sex. Meaning: Without a stand, it can be fun too. And the other way around: With erection it can go wrong.

Happened, we just do something else. It becomes problematic when I suddenly think: I'm loony. Or she: He just does not think I'm great. It is very different. Against them all other women look like Gollum's sisters.

Explain that to a woman ...

There is a big, big difference between not-knowing and not-wanting. I can not, but I want, want, want. Absolutely I want. Maybe that's just my problem. Definitely even. Looked at this way, my slack is something of a compliment to her. Just explain that to a woman.

I CAN'T GET "IT" UP!!! (How To FIX Erectile Dysfunction FAST) (May 2024).