Hallelujah! ? Christmas with adult children

Every year again. The rituals of our family already begin at the beginning of December, when I ask the annual questions to my adult children: "How is Christmas celebrated?", "Are you with us?", "What do you want to eat?". Optional: "What wishes do you have?". And finally: "How can we bring all your suggestions and your own projects together in such a way that ME TOO still have fun with it?

I know many families where the family does not always celebrate together. So I am very happy that when I ask them if they want to celebrate with us, the sentence is always: "Please everything as always!". I can not imagine how it would be without her. But there was the idea that you could travel together to escape the annual Christmas bustle. Phew. In an emergency, we would then just join in ...

The food question is already more difficult with us. Somewhere in my education, I have failed to convey that what is being eaten is eaten. My son only eats meat that has no more assignable identity? like hack and meatballs. Does not give red cabbage, there is trouble. My daughter-in-law, in turn, only eats meat and carbohydrates, but never, never, never vegetables! My daughter, on the other hand, has been eating exclusively vegetarian food since the age of three, and otherwise prefers to eat proteins. To fill her up, she therefore eliminates mountains of vegetables. My husband, recently also on the fitness strip, only consumes light meat, because of the calories. My son-in-law eats? Thank heaven ? absolutely everything. We have not (yet) messed up. Good for me then what is left. And we even agree on the dessert. Nevertheless, the "festive menu" is my biggest challenge every year and even if everyone helps: The stove only has a limited number of plates!

Aldi underwear under the tree

The gifts are then thrown at us for the rest of the evening, in a six allowed to unpack a gift, everyone is watching. We try to find things every year that are funny. Glittering pig ears, for example, or inflatable walking aids. So we had a lot of fun together and often until after midnight, because we are many and there is wine.

Of course, my gift ideas are not always those of my children. One learns to do so, but I am still accused today, like to give away underwear from Aldi. Oh, I can live with that. My son has been finding pug gifts for years: money box, doormat, cap, what will I get this year? The Pug Umbrella is already broken, I have to tell him. Only one pug we do not have yet. Still. Not.

My daughter still likes to have her own plans. Sometimes she comes just a day earlier to celebrate with her old classmates in the only pub in the small town. In those years there is a celebration under the Christmas tree and Mama is not amused.

It is better if we all at the annual Glühweinstandtreffen in the tranquil town already in the morning with old friends drink one, two, three mulled wine and then the rest of the day are relaxed. The Christmas carols in the church also sing much better later. In this sense:

Merry Christmas!

*Original* Kaylee Rogers Wows the Audience Singing Hallelujah [Christmas song] [lloyd scates] (May 2024).