For this bagel we throw all good intentions overboard

"I really wanted to hate him, really, but he was just too good," writes blogger Shelly of "cookiesandcups" on her Instagram account, fatefully sharing a photo that inevitably makes your mouth water. On display is a snack that is filled with everything we had sworn never to eat again: the Oreo bagel.

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I really wanted to hate this. Truly. #butitwasawesome. , #oreoball #sweettooth #foodpics #hungry #eat #omg #eeeeeats #eatinfortheinsta #thefeedfeed #spoonfeed #nj #thebagelnook

A post shared by Shelly Jaronsky (@cookiesandcups) on May 17, 2016 at 4:47 pm PDT

The invention of the New Jersey bakery "The Bagel Nook" is just the hit on American food sites, where the editors outdo each other with raving phrases. They write: "Oreo bagels really exist and the world will never be the same again" ( and "Oreo bagels with Oreo cream cheese exist and I think I believe in fate now" (

And what exactly does it have with the Oreo bagel? The "Oreo Overload" in "The Bagel Nook" is made from a chocolate-vanilla-strudel-bagel that is filled to the brim with whole Oreo biscuits, chocolate cookies and an abundant quark cream in which crushed Oreo biscuits are processed. In other words, all your calories for the whole week in just one meal! In New Jersey, that's a good thing: People spend hours on this almost unheard-of sinful snack.

And you? Would you do it?

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YAS! The #oreobagel loaded with #oreocreamcheese LIVES!

7 Reasons Why You're Bad At Making Decisions (July 2024).

New Jersey, Bakery, Sin, Resolution, Instagram, Bagel, Oreo, Trend, Cookies, Foodie, New Jersey, The Bagel Nook