Cycling and losing weight

Click here for the training plans for cycling

Training plan "Cycling for beginners"

Training plan "Advanced Cycling"

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© Nele Martensen

The good thing about cycling: It's easy, it does not have to be expensive, and you move in the fresh air. Gorgeous! Cycling is the ideal way to really get going: It boosts the circulation, strengthens the heart and the body's defenses, while protecting the joints.

In addition, cycling consumes a lot of calories, tightens legs and buttocks and trains the low-lying back muscles. With our training plan, a quick start is possible.

Those who struggle to work with their own strength, arrive waking up and can use the way back as training. You do not have to be a self-discipline monster for that. The entry is much easier than in other endurance sports. "The beauty of cycling is that you can see a lot more than, for example, jogging," says Petra Rossner, formerly herself Radprofi, now sports director of the women's pro team Columbia. "Even amateur cyclists easily make 30 or 40 kilometers".

Admittedly, seriously practicing sports cycling costs a bit more time than other endurance sports. Because it uses less muscle than jogging, you have to pedal twice as long. The advantage: cycling is also less demanding, so you do not overstrain yourself so easily. And also: Ten minutes on the bike have a positive effect - even the mini-tour to the bakery is worth it!

Tips for a good start

1. Choose the right gearEspecially beginners often ride in a much too high gear. This is not only bad for the knee joints, but the muscles tire faster. The optimum cadence is 90 to 100 revolutions per minute - while the stamina is trained particularly effective. This frequency can be achieved by using as little force as possible and as fast as it is convenient. However, this requires some practice and in the beginning it almost feels like driving on the spot. It is important not only to pedal down, but also to pull up, so to crank properly. In technical jargon that means "round kick". If you want to train more often, pedals with loops or click pedals and corresponding shoes are worthwhile.

2. Stay tuned in bad weatherIf it rains or the buttocks, the wheel units can be replaced by swimming or jogging. Then halve the training time. Alternatives include home trainers or spinning classes in the studio. The latter are extremely effective, training endurance and strength. In order not to overstrain, be sure to choose the appropriate level of performance!

3. Stabilization and stretchingSince the upper body is hardly stressed during cycling, stabilization training is particularly important and therefore provided naturally in the training plan. And also the stretching afterwards is crucial. A special stabilization workout and a stretching program can be found here in the bicycle special.

4. How to calculate your maximum heart rateWomen's hearts beat differently, so there is a special pulse formula for them. For the calculation of the maximum heart rate during cycling it is: 208 - (0.93 x age). The optimal pulse depends on what you want to achieve with the workout - fitter or increase the performance.

5. Drive in the groupWhen leeward driving can save up to 50 percent of power. The effect is noticeable even at a distance of one meter. This is how it works: First practice in small groups, concentrate on the driver in front of you, but look out for the eyes of other drivers.

Training plan "Cycling for beginners"

Training plan "Advanced Cycling"

Note: To download the PDF files you need Acrobat Reader, which you can download here for free.

How To Lose Weight Through Cycling (May 2024).

Training plan, outdoor, professional cyclist, bike, riding a bicycle, training plan, buying bicycle, bicycle models, slimming