Comeback for recipe classic

At that time the world was still different - not better, but different and, above all, much more eggsier. If you went somewhere with your parents after hiking or walking, you could look forward to a decent range of Russian eggs, Strammem Max and mustard eggs. That was long before eggs became discredited as cholesterol bombs. And before nutritionists called in unison for low-fat meals and fresh vegetables.

All the beautiful dishes of our childhood have gradually been quietly suppressed from the kitchens and the menus - from sushi and rucola salads to cocktail tomatoes. Not anymore!

Toast Hawaii

The pineapple must be out of the can

The exotic toast of the 60s and 70s: Perfect culinary accompaniment to "Bonanza", "Daktari" and on Saturday evening to Rudi Carrell's "Ongoing Band" - of course, after the bathtub, which had shared with the siblings. Today you just have to settle for the funny "Gong Show" on Saturday night. Toast Hawaii must be eaten in front of the TV!

You need thatToast: a slice of cooked ham, a slice of sliced ​​cheese, and a slice of pineapple as the summit of the exotic. From the box of course.

That's how it's done: First put a slice of ham, then a slice of pineapple and finally a slice of cheese on the toast. Bake the toast for about 10 minutes at 200 ° C.

mustard eggs

You need this for 4 people: 8 eggs, 60 grams of butter, 40 grams of flour, 1/2 liter of milk, 1/2 glass of medium mustard, salt, pepper and potatoes

That's how it's done: Boil the eggs, quench and cool. Peel and cook the potatoes along the way. Make a roux from butter and flour and add the milk. Simmer for 5 minutes. Add mustard to taste. Season with salt and pepper. Serve the eggs and potatoes with the sauce.


Tasty with lemon ...

Legend has it that the gold-colored breadcrumb of the Wiener Schnitzel replaced the gold platelets that scattered the rich and powerful of the Middle Ages over their food. There is also a dispute over the origin of the Schnitzel: did it come from Milan, Slovakia or Paris? One thing is certain: a real Schnitzel must be made of veal.

The ChroniquesDuVasteMonde recipe

Russian eggs

The party hit par excellence has nothing to do with Russia, but because of the ornamentation with (mostly fake) caviar it evokes Russian associations.

You need that: 8 hard boiled eggs, 12 salad leaves, 150 g caviar, 75 g mayonnaise, 6 tablespoons sour cream, pepper and salt.

That's how it's done: Mix mayonnaise with the sour cream. Season with salt and pepper. Cover a glass plate with lettuce leaves. Spread mayonnaise over the lettuce leaves. Peel the eggs and halve lengthwise. Place eggs on the mayonnaise and sprinkle with caviar.

Stramber Max

Roast eggs nicely ...

It used to be thought that the ham sandwich had aphrodisiac effects with eggs and produced a "tight max" in men (see also "Pipimax" in children). But we can confidently forget that and prepare a delicious bread without hesitation:

That's how it's done: Butter the bread, dice the raw ham and spread on the bread. Fry 2 fried eggs, season with salt and pepper and place on the ham. Decorate nicely with pickled cucumber, tomato and curly parsley.

Gulash soup

Party classics from back then

Spicy, full-bodied and from Hungary: goulash soup was a party classic when our parents were still young. Our version is refined with some vodka cream: to ChroniquesDuVasteMonde recipe

Creamed spinach with fried egg

You can do that with two left hands: heat a packet of frozen cream with butter in a pot and season with salt and pepper, cook potatoes, roast fried eggs - that's it!


Careful, flying pieces of meat!

A true hit from the Fifties: In 1959, Shashlik was sold for the first time at the Munich Oktoberfest. Class also for parties: If the pieces of meat fly during the stripping through the air, there is usually a big hello. To the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde recipe

Southern Comeback Sauce Recipe - How to Make Comeback Sauce (May 2024).

Exote, Sushi, Comeback, Toast, Rudi Carrell, Recipe Classic