Childcare: mothers for emergencies

If a hoarse cough comes out of the nursery in the morning, the working parents often put a lot of pressure on them. The strictly through organized schedule instantly crumbles. Because if the offspring is sick, you have to either care for his protege yourself healthy or very quickly care for child care. In case of doubt, parents often try to under-cheer the ailing child of the crèche or day-care center. But that's certainly not the best solution - certainly not for contagious or protracted diseases.

Although legally insured persons have the right to be unpaid while working for their sick child. The prerequisite for this is that the child is under the age of twelve and no other person in the household can take care of it. Employees can take 10 days off a single child, and single parents 20 days a year. For several children, parents are entitled to a maximum of 25, single parents to 50 days off.

But if you have already exhausted your days off, must care ago. In large cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, professional emergency mothers and fathers are also in action for such cases.

"Emergency mothers or fathers have to adapt to new situations very quickly and without any acclimatization," explains Christina Soltys, who is responsible for coordinating the missions at the emergency maternity service Familien- und Seniorenhilfe e.V. Hamburg. An emergency mother can either apply to the youth welfare office or the health insurance funds or be privately paid by the families (12.50 euros per hour). "The supervisors charge the NMD for their working hours and we then settle with the respective payers," says Christina Soltys. "Of course, we are happy to advise you on any questions concerning the clarification of a possible cost bearer." Depending on income or legal regulations, the families would have to pay something. In her experience, the responsible funds and offices are very cooperative and reliable.

On the next page: Fathers are especially popular

There are about 150 "emergency mothers and fathers" in their files, which are also used in Hamburg's bacon belt and beyond in Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. The proportion of men is still very low, but just "the fathers are very popular." The staff pool consists of very different professional groups: "From the seasoned housewife to the social worker, there are also women who have no children themselves, but have many years of experience in the field and who enjoy interacting with children Even students from the field of education gain practical experience, "says Christina Soltys.

She strives to always find the right emergency mother for the respective family: "We look at what fits the profile, but of course the chemistry has to be right." If it turns out that it "does not work at all", then another supervisor will be used. It is important to her: "We offer qualified care for children, where they feel most comfortable: at home." The NMD Hamburg is currently also in the process of establishing a training system for its mostly freelance employees: "In order to keep the level high," emphasizes the trained nurse from Switzerland.

The timing is individual, the emergency mothers can choose when and for how many hours they are available. However, once a care task has been accepted, the emergency maternity service attempts to avoid a change of careers during further assignments. "That's how it gets calm," says Christina Soltys.

The concept is well received by the parents. "Demand is growing all the time"Soltys says. One of the reasons for this is that grandparents often still have to work themselves or do not live close by, which could replace the mother, for example, in the event of illness. The NMD managing director can also report on a new awareness of companies: "We once had a case when a company paid for an employee who had to go abroad for several weeks the emergency maternity service."

The spectrum of missions is great. From hourly care to 24/7 service, many things are possible. Sometimes there is regular monthly care where an emergency mother draws one, two or more days into the household. Sometimes, the emergency mother's use can drag on for weeks - for example, during a long hospital stay of a parent.

But it can also happen that a mother calls the morning emergency services and spontaneously asks for child care.For two to three hours can be helped in this case. However, more continuity is sought, emphasizes Soltys. "We are not really a Springerdienst." But: Even assignments in day care centers are possible if an educator fails at short notice. Christina Soltys: "Our fundamental aim is to serve as many requests as possible, to respond individually to the individual case and to offer help."

On the next page: An emergency mother tells

The best thanks: A big smile

Diana Aslan is a so-called emergency mother. The student teacher opted for this job in addition to studying because it gives her the opportunity to "listen in on the family". The 22-year-old had the best conditions in terms of childcare, as she is the eldest of five siblings. She already had her experience as a babysitter, but how was it for her to be an emergency mother for the first time more than a year ago? A four-year-old and an eight-month-old child should take them under their wing for four days. The mother was working and could not be released while the father had to travel.

She was "totally upset": how would the children react to her - a stranger? Would the birth mother accept her as an adequate substitute? "Such questions shot through my head." But after a short time already Diana Aslan could throw her skepticism over board: the experiences were consistently positive. "The basic requirement is of course that you can fit into the family and their individual rituals and habits," she emphasizes. She could not come along and do everything differently, because personally she might find it so much better. Over time she has become more and more self-confident.

Especially the tolerance of the children has always been great. "I did not have any problems, not even with older ones." Reacting to a foreign entity Children behave differently than close relatives, "says the emergency mother. Where there are differences: Once Diana Aslan looked after a child whose sick mother was at home. "Since I had to act with more tact, because my authority was a little questioned, the little one always went to Mama first, which is completely normal." But "train" such situations, says the teacher's student with a wink.

Diana Aslan is now friends with a family. She had been with the emergency mother for a full eight weeks - the whole semester break. "That's no wonder," she says, "in this time you almost become a family member." Because the supervisor takes over the babysitting and playing with the kids and many tasks in the household: "Just everything else the parents have to do: shopping, washing, cooking, bringing children to school or kindergarten ..." Of course keep it within limits, cleaning ladies or craftsmen they are not.

"Do you know what's the best thing I've ever been able to experience quite often?" Sums up Diana Aslan thoughtfully. "I came with a small smile and was greeted with a big smile - and adopted with an even bigger one - that's the best thanks."

Information about the emergency maternity service e.V.

The Notmütterdienst e.V. (NMD) was founded in 1969 as a non-profit organization. He offers unbureaucratic and fast help. Be it that in a family, the mother temporarily fails and the children are unprovoked, it is that an elderly person constantly needs help and care in order to be able to remain in their own home. An "emergency mother" can either be applied for at the youth welfare office or the health insurance funds or paid privately by the families (12.50 euros per hour). The NMD offers round-the-clock care throughout the Federal territory. Additionally in Hamburg, in Berlin and in the Rhine-Main area also hourly assistance - both during the day and at night. If you yourself want to become an emergency mother, you can simply request by email to application documents.

Flexible childcare: Other addresses

Alternatives to kindergarten or babysitting often also include the multi-generation houses funded by the Federal Government. Here you can find houses in your region:

Grandma does not have time? Then you are looking for a "Leihoma" or a "Leihopa", that is, seniors who look after children in their free time. Contact for example about

There are babysitters in your area at or

Some examples of open childcare in different cities: Münster: Mehrgenerationenhaus and Mütterzentrum Kaufbeuren: The "Kinderbeube Kaufbeuren" is a parents' initiative that also looks after children by the hour. Ravensburg: The playgroup Pfiffikus is a voluntary care for toddlers aged 0 - 4 years. Stuttgart In the Eltern-Kind-Zentrum there are open offers for children of volunteers Trier: In the open child care of the family center in Trier parents can deliver their infants by the hour.Hamburg: The Hamburg Children's Port is aimed specifically at working parents and offers a "round-the-clock care" Munich: The "Child Care Company" is a bilingual nursery with many additional services such as pick-up, babysitter and childminder -Service

For the research: At everyone can present and rate addresses. If you enter the name of your city plus "child care", you may find helpful tips with a little luck.

Also at the portal you will find many addresses on the subject of child care at your own place of residence.

Emergency Childcare | pme Familienservice (english) (May 2024).

Child care, Hamburg, emergency, Berlin, Frankfurt, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Switzerland, child care, emergency maternity, babysitter, kindergarten, kindergarten, single parent