Bullying is no joke! Campaign shows how brutal words are

The idea that your own child could become a victim of bullying is a nightmare for all parents. We all know, perhaps from our own experience, how cruel youth can be. And how long the dehydrated outsiders suffer the consequences.

Today teenage verbal exchange takes place mainly in social networks - which makes it no less harmless. On the contrary: Due to the spatial distance many bullies are even more unrestrained, and their evil game is still visible to many others.

The consequences of these typed poison injections makes a reconnaissance video from Canada clearly. It was filmed by the Canadian Safe School Network, a non-profit organization that aims to reduce violence in Canadian schools. And this includes violence through words.

In the film, teenagers read tweets on their smartphone. First, the sayings are still very funny, but gradually they are getting meaner, and are ultimately just hurtful. The laughter gets stuck in your throat.

A good campaign that will hopefully get a lot of attention.

Rudy "It's A Bitch-Ass Life" - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts (May 2024).
