Blow eggs: How to succeed your Easter eggs

If you want to make your own Easter decorations, do not dye Easter eggs, paint easter eggs and blow eggs around. Blown easter eggs can be painted and decorated to your heart's content and then decorate the bouquet, bushes in the garden or the table decoration.

But the blowing out is easier said than done, because often the egg does not want to be like you do. Sometimes the egg yolk gets stuck, sometimes the egg bursts ... and is it healthy to blow eggs out? We answer your most important questions about the Easter eggs.

How do you blow eggs out properly?

Before you start, rinse the eggs completely with water and detergent. To blow out the eggs, simply drill a hole with a large needle on the blunt end and then on the pointed end of the ice. (If you want, you can also get a special drill, the bellows.) Once done, you carefully enlarge the hole on the dull (ie round) end of the ice with the needle.

Now hold the egg over a bowl and blow through the smaller hole at the pointed end, until egg whites and egg yolks land in the bowl. For blowing, use a straw or a blasfix. The latter you get in the craft shop and before Easter, for example, in the drugstore. If the egg yolk gets stuck, you can help with the needle or a shish kebab skewer. Do not throw away the remaining egg and use it as quickly as possible. But here we have the best recipes with eggs for you. Or you continue to use the egg if you want to bake for Easter.

When purging it is important that the egg is completely emptied, as leftovers left behind develop a disgusting odor, which you certainly do not want in your Easter decoration. Then clean the egg from the inside by dipping the egg in a bowl of lukewarm water and detergent. Wait until it is full and then hold both holes, shake the egg gently to clean it properly, and then blow the water out through the two holes. Alternatively, you can fill vinegar in a syringe and rinse the egg with it. When the blown egg is completely clean, lay it on a kitchen towel to dry and wait.

What do you need to blow out eggs?

You need:

  • Eggs in the desired number
  • a long, thick needle and / or a shish kebab (or a bellows - a special drill)
  • two bowls (one for collecting egg whites and egg yolks) and one with water and detergent to rinse the eggs
  • to blow out a straw (or alternatively an (off) blasfix from the craft shop, a kind of mini-pump to the egg)

What do you have to pay attention to when blowing eggs?

As always when working with raw eggs, the salmonella danger also applies here. But can you get rid of salmonella from Easter eggs? Yes you can. The reason for this is the eggshell. If she is touched while blowing with her lips, a transfer is possible. That's why:

  • Pay attention to the freshness of the eggs. Blow out only fresh eggs.
  • Make sure that the eggs are undamaged. Cracks offer bacteria the opportunity to invade the egg and multiply there.
  • Wash the eggs with water and detergent before blowing out.
  • Used to blow out a drinking straw, a disposable syringe or a special mini-pump from the craft shop, instead of directly attaching the lips.
  • Then wash the eggs thoroughly with water and dish soap (a syringe is a good remedy here) and then let them dry.
  • Finally, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then the dyeing of Easter eggs can start.

What can you do with blown eggs?

After the washed-up eggs have dried, you can start painting them. In addition to egg colors you can use special pens, but actually any kind of felt pen or fineliner. Watercolors are the classic when you paint Easter eggs with children. If you like something more challenging, you can try handlettering for Easter eggs.

Then thread a thread through the hole on the pointed end of the Easter egg and hang it on the Easter bouquet. Incidentally, we have many other ideas for Easter cake for you. Also, the egg carton can serve for the Easter decoration. Look here: crafts with egg cartons.

In addition to the Eierauspusten we can also make Easter decorations and use for our Easter basket. Ideas and instructions can be found on our Pinterest pin board. Let yourself be inspired and enjoy crafting.

Video Recommendation:

How to Blow Out an Egg | Easter Craft (May 2024).

Easter egg, Easter, Easter, dishwashing liquid, do it yourself, decoration, easter food