Bartender fights against harasser: "I beat him to pulp"

A stranger takes you in a bar abruptly under the skirt and leads his hand into your private parts? how do you react?

This situation, which we all wish for, that we only have to deal hypothetically with it, was for barkeeper Jacquelyn Blough apparently a reality. She had been celebrating with girlfriends? in the bar where she works, too? when a man suddenly started groping her.

"He pushed his fingers vigorously up to me, just like that, out of nowhere, it was awful, I turned around, he looked at me and said he was just kidding, I put him in the sweatbox and beat him to the pulp." Blough told Phillymag.

Your self-defense has bad consequences

A bouncer had thrown out the man then, she had driven directly to the hospital. "I knew immediately that my hand was broken," said the 30-year-old.

She spent most of the night in the hospital until she was released with a plaster? which she now probably has to wear for at least six weeks. Her job at the bar could bend the bartender for the time being.

"I have to pay the hospital bill and I do not have a job, it's desperate, one night after another, and all just because somebody decided to be a caustic guy," says Blough.

Police are looking for the accused

The powerful woman initially just wanted to leave the incident behind, she says. But then she had thought ahead and she realized that she had to show the guy: "This person should not walk around freely, what is he doing to the next woman?"

So Blough contacted the police? four days after the fact. Now we are looking for the man whom the bartender describes as burly, white and around 40.

Blough asks for help

She herself posted a picture of her gypsum hand on Facebook shortly after the ad, linking her to a gofundme page that helps her financially. She writes:

Hi to all. As some of you know, I was attacked on Saturday. I defended myself and beat up the guy. I broke three bones. Right now I can not work and somehow I have to deal with this nightmare. I never ask for help, unless it's about animal welfare. I put my pride aside and ask for help for myself this time.

More than 200 people have now donated for the bartender? the target has already been exceeded. Blough writes on her Gofundme page:

Thank you, thank you all! I can not believe how generous you are. With your donations, I can pay for the existing hospital bill and the upcoming doctor's appointments. I do my best and use the time to mentally, physically and mentally recover.

Talking about such a story about a happy ending is difficult? especially, as long as the case is not cleared up. But one thing is for certain: If you defend yourself against an attack and then have the courage to ask for help, you will have real strength!

21-Year-Old Georgia Waitress Takes Down Customer Who Groped Her (May 2024).