5 Facebook friends you should delete immediately

As much as we like to travel on social networks, there are a few friends-types who get on our nerves. Of course, without a few birds of paradise, Facebook would be pretty boring. But you should definitely delete these copies from your friendlist - or at least hide them from the timeline.

The Pöbler

Whether refugee crisis, slow retirees at the box office or the football club that has lost again: The Pöbler does not miss any opportunity to pull properly from the leather. With his tirades he pulls you down regularly. You do not have much to do with him anyway? Then the friendship ends! Makes Facebook a bit sunnier.

The showman

He posts not one, but ten Poser pictures from the Maldives, proudly shows his new car and the great 400-euro jacket (with price!). Under each of his posts is something like, "And you guys like that?" We say: "No one needs you" - and delete him from the Friendlist!

The enigmatic

"Life is so common ...," There are people who are so incredibly wrong ... "or" Get good news today ... "Who, how, what, where? The enigmatic tries by all means to attract attention, and passionately likes to put three points at the end of a sentence, with the goal: Someone should post "What's wrong?" Under his message We will not let the game go!

The critic

No matter what we post. The critic always has to add his mustard. And he chooses his words not medium, but really sharp! He loves to see things differently from principle, to find us in the most irrelevant subject and to engage in a discussion. To be honest, we have better things to do! Deleted.

The message-needy

He has a hole in his tooth, he goes to the bathroom, he cleans the bathroom ... so it's enough! We do not want to know that. His posts always trigger foreign shame. Sorry Facebook friend, you do not mean it's bad. But you catapult yourself offside!

10 Things You Should Never Share on Facebook (April 2024).

Bye, Facebook, refugee crisis, Facebook, friends, delete, social networks