12 sentences that people who do not drink alcohol can not hear anymore

Who does not drink alcohol, is considered exotic. After all, who can celebrate exuberant parties without preferring or dancing happily on the tables? Something can not be right with these people (careful, irony). It is very easy: high percentage is not for everyone. Or maybe the person is injured, pregnant, or has another reason that does not concern anyone? The point is: It is annoying, in the case nachhaken sticking. Who does not want to drink, does not take anything away from anyone, so end the compassionate looks and annoying sayings. Because THESE 12 sentences definitely get on everyone's nerves, who wants to have a good time without alcohol:

Well, who has heard that before?

1."You do not drink. Then you will surely drive us, right? Yes, of course, everyone likes to have a few snatches in the car. Eh, no! But thanks for the offer to reschedule my evening so naturally.

2.?Are you pregnant?? Oh God, do I look like this? And even if it should be true: this question is in any case wrong.

3."Does that have any religious reasons ?? It's clear. You only drink wine in the church, right?

4."Come on, do not pretend, I'll give you that glass of wine too? Since one would like to cry out loud: THAT'S WHY IT DOES NOT WORK !!!

5."But you do not get drunk from a glass." See point 4.

6."Then take a cocktail - you will not taste the alcohol." Really? Great, then I can even order a non-alcoholic.

7.? Not even a mouthful ?? What would that do to me? You can assume that I know the taste; I'm not a toddler who secretly wants to sip champagne glass.

8. "Wow, I could not do that." Yes, I really deserve a medal ...

9."Oh right, you never drink anything." Without words.

10.Was there anybody in your family with an alcohol problem ?? Really now?

11.Not even toasting or New Year's Eve? Who actually stated that you can only toast with alcohol?

12."You just have to drink beer long enough, at some point you'll like it." Good plan. I'll train hard and every night ... oh, or I could just continue drinking my favorite drink and not justify myself any further. Let's do this!

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol On Your Own (My Story How I Quit Drinking Forever) (April 2024).

Alcohol, drinking, alcohol, no alcohol