10 small talk topics that really break any ice

Small talk? the one can do it, with the others, the repartee always starts half an hour after the conversation. There is not much to be a good small talker. Talk, listennice at the appropriate places smile and rather superficial stay ? This is the foundation laid schonmal.

If we still have that correct topics of conversation can we wrap our counterpart lightly and charmingly around the finger? even without coaching, seminars or master's degree in rhetoric.

Smalltalk topics: 10 ideas for casual chatting

Imagine, for example, you have a coffee after your lunch break. Of course, a long line in front of you? And right behind you, suddenly your boss joins. Could be a few loooong, unpleasant minutes! Other situations in which entered silence not so cool is: Flirting, job interview, job interview, Christmas party, lunch with colleagues ...

But those who master the "art" of small talk need not be afraid of something like that. Often there is one smoother conversation start already half the rent. And to make you think of one thing: Here are ten topics that are great as icebreakers - and a few Funfacts that you like to sprinkle in a trivial conversation.

1. Current situation

  • "After lunch, there's nothing like coffee to get you going again, do you like drinking cappuccino?"
  • "I'm so sweet, have you ever tasted the muffins here?"
  • "But they are very well connected, I came with the subway and came right here, where could I park my bike?"
  • "And how do you like the party? Much more people here than I thought."
  • "Uh, what are you eating today? That looks delicious!"

And a start would have been made in all the situations mentioned above. The current situation is always and guaranteed common denominator, something comes to mind to the two conversation partners.

Top Rule in Smalltalk Knigge: Do not worry, Obvious or trivial to address! Small talk, small effort? high content claims block us and that's exactly what we want to avoid with small talk.

2. The last movie you saw / the last book you read

Either your counterpart has also seen him / her read it and you talk about it or you tell about it and make a recommendation. You can ask something like "Do you like science fiction?" or "Do you generally stick to thrillers?" and already a relaxed conversation is under way.

by the way: Did you know that trailers were originally shown after the movie? That is why they are also called trailers, but since most of the viewers run off quickly after the main movie, they are now being shown at the beginning of the performance.

3. Pets

Ask about your pet's pets, tell them about your own, ask if your partner is a dog or cat type, why a cat and so on and so forth.

Speaking of pets: In Switzerland, keeping a guinea pig alone is illegal.

4. Your next trip

  • Where are we going?
  • How did you book?
  • What you up to?
  • Are you traveling alone?
  • Where do you come from?

So much harmless conversation material, with which you do not step on anyone's feet and where you can integrate other wonderful ("Have you ever been there?" "How do you usually book?" ...)

Random Fact: The Caribbean island state of Santa Lucia is the only country named after a woman.

5. siblings

"My sister just got twins, they are so cute, do you still have siblings, which star sign do they have?" ? zack, runs. But beware: This topic of conversation is also sensitiveness asked! Some people may not have a good relationship with their siblings or regret that they are an only child. Then best to proceed unobtrusively to the next topic? for therapy sessions or crisis talks to the CV is such a talk by the way, just too small ...

6. Music or concert experiences

"I've seen Damien Rice live in Hamburg - that was the greatest concert of my life." Then you tell, why, ask your opponent, what music he is so and the conversation is already in the flow.

Nice to know: Bob Dylan is actually Robert Zimmermann.

7. Restaurants or clubs you like to go to

Eat, drink, go out? Everyone likes to chat about that! Exchange recommendations, rave about your favorite dishes, share the anecdote of a humid evening. Break any ice guaranteed!

8. Sport

"As fit as you look, you certainly do sport.What are you doing? "And the rest goes by itself. compliments (if they fit and are meant to be honest) are always good and come to sports? whether active or passive? Everyone has something to say.

by the way: At Wimbledon, players are not allowed to curse.

9. Cities where you used to live (or holiday)

Ask the other one about his birthplace? bet he gets going all by himself? If not, you'll just get started and tell where you're from, what kind of city it is, if you liked living there and what's on your tongue.

10. Weather

Granted, something unsexy and acts like the evasion issue number one, but ultimately everyone can say something to each and everyone has an opinion? Often we even have the same opinion (Rain stupid, sun good, heat exhausting, cold depressing) and similarities facilitate every conversation.

Incredible: On February 18, 1979, it snowed in the Sahara for half an hour.

In small talk you are already fit anyway? Maybe then it will be interesting for you, how you can solve conflicts, persuade other people or generally behave confidently. A few tips can be found in our video.

Video tip: 5 tips for a confident body language


7 Greatest Conversation Starters That Actually Work (May 2024).

Small talk, lunch, bicycle, conversation piece, job interview