Mediterranean diet: feast and stay lean

What is behind the Mediterranean diet?

The inhabitants of the Mediterranean have a significantly higher life expectancy than we? And that is no accident. Long-term studies have shown that eating foods such as fresh vegetables, fish, salad with olive oil or pasta dishes can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Nutrition scientists swear by the Mediterranean Diet, not least because it is a very balanced diet.

The secrets of the Mediterranean diet

  • Time
    Guaranteed to buy in any supermarket, but should be taken consciously: time! Chewing slowly is good for the digestion and promotes that satiety, Those who eat slowly, enjoy their food and do not see it as a pure means to an end. Get something on the fast at the snack on the hand and down the road? For the Mediterranean people unimaginable! And not healthy.
  • olive oil
    Olive oil is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet and provides us with unsaturated fatty acids, In countries such as southern Italy, Spain or Greece, it serves as the main source of fat - and clearly outstrips the consumption of animal fats. The fact that olive oil is good for our health has been proven.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
    Vegetables supply us vitamins and many important ones nutrients, Tomatoes are full of antioxidants and should not be missed. It is best to plan a portion of fruit or vegetables with every meal, then the Mediterranean diet is integrated into everyday life in no time at all.
  • Fresh fish
    Tastes best fresh caught on vacation, but should also be here regularly on the menu, because he provides us with protein, vitamins and good fats.
  • poultry
    Better to go to poultry instead of red meat. In addition to eggs, poultry meat is a great source of protein - on the Mediterranean diet, red meat is only available twice a week at most.
  • Goat and sheep's milk instead of cow's milk
    Goat or sheep's milk are much easier to digest compared to conventional cow's milk. Who does not want to give up cow's milk, uses the low-fat variant? in the best case, of course, fresh from the farm and not to the in-house product of the respective supermarket chain.
  • nuts
    Nuts are the perfect snack and provide us with fat, protein and fiber.
  • Whole breads
    Anyone who uses wholesome, natural varieties makes everything right: Our blood sugar rises so slowly? and that is good for burning and can prevent diseases like diabetes. Sourdough or barley bread works well.
  • Season, season, season
    And with fresh herbs such as basil, coriander, wild garlic, instead of salt. Fresh garlic or onions are also healthy.
  • Chickpeas
    Chickpeas are a staple of the Mediterranean diet and provide us with plenty of protein and fiber. And are so delicious!
  • red wine
    The good news at the end: We can continue to drink in good conscience in the evening a glass of red wine. The secret of red wine? antioxidants!

Does the Mediterranean diet fit into my everyday life?

The Mediterranean diet requires a little bit preparationHowever, who likes to cook, but will quickly get used to it - not least because the Mediterranean recipes are mainly from fresh ingredients so delicious!

Clear plus of the Mediterranean diet: The diet is varied and balanced!

Am I taking off fast with the Mediterranean Diet?

However, those who want to lose weight in the first place could quickly be disappointed with this diet, as the Mediterranean diet does not have a fixed diet plan with prescribed calorie intake or fat reduction - which is ultimately crucial for weight loss. However, the Mediterranean diet is healthy and good for our cardiovascular system.

More tips on dieting we tell you on our Pinterest channel!

I Tried Intermittent Fasting for 10 DAYS | WHAT I EAT EVERYDAY (Before & After Results) (May 2024).

Dieting, Diet, Mediterranean, Nutrition, Diet, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Diet Recipes