Women with THIS hair color are the most successful!

Two Canadian scientists wanted to know exactly: What's wrong with the common clichés about our hair? Natalya Alonso and Jennifer Berdahl from the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business, Vancouver, have investigated whether successful women can be identified by their hair color.

And her answer to this question is hair-dripping: in fact, research has shown that a majority of senior women have a blond mane.

Another survey found that while brunette women are perceived as more competent, their blond colleagues are credited with greater self-esteem and a more authoritative manner.

When it comes to Alonso and Berdahl, it's these two qualities that make blondes climb the ladder faster than their dark-haired comrades.

Our hair color determines our professional skills? We defend ourselves against this claim and continue to wear our hairstyles with pride - and above all with success through the professional world!


What Makes This London Hair Salon Instagram Famous (April 2024).

Hair color, Vancouver