"Women only need 7 tampons per period!" Man makes stupid spell to period and is heavily criticized for it

There are a lot of men out there who think they are super smart and love to educate women about things they really have no idea about. In English there is the beautiful word for it "Mansplaining".

A classic case of such patronizing remarks by men towards women on issues that THEY certainly have more idea is this guy who said he needed to explain to women how their period worked, and that there's no reason to worry about what women's products cost, He wrote on Twitter:

"So, on average, a period is 10 to 35 ml of blood, a tampon holds about 5 ml, that's 7 tampons per period, let's be generous and say 10 tampons for the women who are losing a lot of fluid, which is 9 periods A maximum of 90 tampons per year A pack of 64 tampons costs 7.90 pounds plus shipping on Amazon Buy two packs, save shipping costs, then you have 128 tampons for a year, making about 20 pounds for a year period Give less Spend money on your Starbucks cappuccinos and stop crying, this is not a first world problem. "

Look at this fucking dweeb pic.twitter.com/2QFqNuqvZz

? ash (@aisghair) 4 March 2019

These words reveal so much presumptuous arrogance and ignorance of the period that understandably many women are upset about it.

But some are also speechless in anger over the presumptuous words of this man, such as the Twitter user "ashgair", who has posted a screenshot of this comment without big words.

Her tweet now has thousands of comments from angry people, most of them women, expressing how much this man's lack of empathy and ignorance horrifies her.

You ask: 9 periods a year? Please what? Do they break during the holidays? And has the guy actually heard of the toxic shock syndrome? As a rule of thumb, a tampon should not be worn for more than eight hours? otherwise there is a risk of infection, which can even be fatal.

Accordingly, for example, a woman writes:

His hypothetical wife is dead. She died as a result of the toxic shock syndrome because she did not change her tampon often enough.

Others write:

My uterus just laughed and said 'Stop my beer'.

If we calculate correctly here, one would have to say that if he buys 3 packs of condoms a year, he will end up with 4 packs left ...

And also quite clear:

I'd like to kick that guy in the ass and see how many tampons he needed today to stop his bleeding.

Another started a counter calculation:

Since it is medically risky to wear a tampon for more than 8 hours, let's go out for 6 hours per tampon. If you have 5 days of your period (which can be 6 or 7 days), it will take at least 20 tampons per period. With twelve periods per year, that makes a total of 240 tampons per year.

The fact is: The number of tampons a woman needs per year is something she alone is all about. Yes, when we think about the environment, it is of course great and important to think about whether even zero-waste options, such as a menstrual cup, could be an option. But In principle, every woman should like to be able to find out for herself and decide what she needs in order to deal with the almost unavoidable monthly bleeding ? without being criticized by a man who never had this problem.

How often a woman has her period and a lot of blood loses a woman per period, is also individually different. Normally, women lose an average of about 60 milliliters of blood during the menstrual period, and it lasts about four to five days. By definition, blood loss greater than 80 milliliters is not normal during the rule or bleeding lasting more than eight days. Many women suffer from having a lot of blood loss and a lot of pain during the period, which may be due to endometriosis or fibroids.

The last thing women need in such a situation is the know-how about how many tampons they should need per period and whether or not they are upset about the cost.

Women pay for tampons "luxury tax"

What further aggravates the misplaced words about the cost of period products is the fact that in many countries of the world tampons and sanitary napkins are still taxed as "luxury items". Women are forced to pay higher taxes on products that are difficult to dispense with.

Just let it run is finally not seen very happy and usually not suitable for everyday use. On average, in the course of our lives, we pay about 2,000 euros in taxes alone on hygiene items that we need because of our period. More on this topic here: "Menstruation is expensive luxury? Says our tax law".

Conclusion: Basically, it is great when men are also interested in women's issues such as period, contraception or pregnancy in order to better understand and even support their life partners. Thank you for that!

But what it really does not need are such misleading and de facto false announcements on topics that you have never personally experienced, and that are connected to so many people with problematic aspects

Videotipp: No tampons, no ties? Irene shows up in bloody pants

Humans Need Not Apply (April 2024).

Period, tampon, twitter