Why does asparagus taste bitter?

Bitter asparagus? Possible causes

That asparagus tastes bitter, may have different reasons. For one thing is changeable weather a factor that can negatively affect the asparagus taste. An unexpected cold snap before the asparagus season, for example, lead to increased bittering in asparagus.

On the other hand, the asparagus spears are sometimes pricked too close to the rhizomes in which the bitter substances are stuck. The asparagus sticks grow each year a few inches further up, so if an asparagus field is farmed for several years, the Earth ridges are raised from time to time, Otherwise it can happen that the asparagus is cut too close to the root and contains more bitter substances.

Asparagus tastes bitter: you can do that

A trick against bitter asparagus is to add sugar to the cooking water: On a kilo of asparagus comes about a teaspoon of sugar. We explain what you should also consider when cooking asparagus.

It is also important that Cut off ends generously and peel the asparagus well, Extremely bitter asparagus spears can usually not be neutralized? then only the complaint helps the asparagus farmers or traders.

The good news: Often not all, but only a few individual rods infested, In addition, bitter asparagus is not poisonous, as is sometimes claimed. On the contrary: The bitter substances are good for our liver and support the detoxification. With the bitter substances, the vegetables only protect themselves against fungal attacks or pests. Did you know that you can even eat asparagus raw?

That's how you recognize fresh asparagus

Asparagus of high quality can be recognized by the fact that the rods are firm and uniformly thick and when hitting each other, a bright sound is heard. In addition, should the tips are closed and the ends should not be too dry.

Here you will find a variety of asparagus recipes, for example for asparagus soup or asparagus salad. In addition, you learn what you peel the asparagus, freeze asparagus, einkochen asparagus and roast asparagus note.

Videotipp: Prepare white asparagus

Know How to Take out the Bitter Taste in Vegetables (April 2024).

Asparagus, asparagus season, asparagus season, cooking tip, asparagus recipe