What's going on there ?! Ex "Bachelor" Paul Janke wants to conquer Sylvie Meis

It would be the celebrity love story of the year. As the former "Bachelor" Paul Janke (37) betrayed in an interview with the magazine "Closer", he has cast an eye on presenter Sylvie Meis (40). "I'm thinking of sending her a bouquet of roses home as soon as she's back in Hamburg," he tells the magazine. She has been fascinating him for several years already: "I thought Sylvie was super sexy when I participated in 'Let's Dance' in 2013," says Janke.

What does Paul Janke like Sylvie Meis?

Apparently he finds her fashion taste and her beauty particularly attractive: "She can dress and has style - and she always stays on the ball in her appearance." The fact that Meis has son Damián (12) with her ex-husband Rafael van der Vaart (35) does not bother him: "My ex-girlfriend also had two children whom I loved, and she me." Of course, my own offspring would also be great ", he says. "I would clearly stand by her!"

Most recently, Paul Janke was on TV as a participant in the RTL dome show "Bachelor in Paradise". In terms of love luck, the single-man went there but empty. Will his latest job engagement make him more attractive to Sylvie Meis? As Janke confirmed at the end of September on Instagram, he will soon move with the professional strippers of the Chippendales as a moderator through Germany.

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In three weeks it starts

Paul Janke sucht bei den "Chippendales"! (May 2024).

Paul Janke, Sylvie Meis, Hamburg, Paul Janke, Sylvie Meis