Week of pregnancy 40 (SSW 40): Let's start!

This is how the baby develops in the 40th week of pregnancy

Your baby is weighing now around 3400 g and is 51 cm long, The physical development is complete, only the skull plates are not fused yet, so that the head can be pressed through the birth canal. Many babies are born with a slightly deformed head, but no worry ? after a few days or weeks after birth, the deformation returns.

Some babies come with one Storchenbiss (the name is reminiscent of the story of the stork who brings the children in his beak), which shows as redness of the skin usually on forehead or neck. The redness is caused by increased and enlarged veins (capillaries) and is no cause for concern.60 to 70% of all newborns have these rednessesWhen the skin thickens over the years, most stork bites are gone.

Pregnancy Calendar: This happens in the 40th week of pregnancy (3rd trimester) with your body

Hurray, it is the 40th SSW and you count every second that the birth pains start? (If you are unsure if it is really Labor contractions: In the 38th week of pregnancy, we explained how exercise labor differs from labor pains.) For months, you have been waiting for this one appointment, which the gynecologist calculated at the beginning of your pregnancy. But: Only very few babies are actually born on the calculated date of birth. According to an online survey by Urbia 9 percent of babies born at ET, 49 percent before and 42 percent after, Your baby determines the time itself. Of course, there are various measures to induce labor, and also caesarean sections are usually performed today in the 40th SSW.

There are pregnant women, they have in the 40th Week of pregnancy, just no patience. The stomach is huge, the skin tense, the back pinches, sleep has been disturbed for weeks? and impatience grows. Come out, baby!

Promote contractions: You can do that to encourage the onset of childbirth

  • There are some home remedies that midwives recommend to help contractions.
  • For example, one Tea with cinnamon, ginger and cloves, or too raspberry leaf tea.
  • A gentle Abdominal massage with essential oils from verbena, clove, ginger or cinnamon helps. A hot bath with these additions also works.
  • Many pregnant women can no longer imagine it in the 40th week of pregnancy, butSex is a possibility: Prostaglandins in the semen work to stimulate labor. In addition, the body releases oxytocin during sex, and the contractions of the uterus during orgasm can trigger the birthing process.
  • Lightweight gymnastics, for examplecircular movements with the pelvis on a gym ball.
  • The famous glass of red wine was discussed for a long time. In the meantime one knows however that it no blow-inducing effect Has.
  • Discuss with your midwife: one labor cocktail can also initiate the birth. Each midwife has her own prescription, usually containing castor oil, apricot juice, almond paste and alcohol (to dissolve the castor oil). Some mixtures also contain verbena.

Little tips for the first contractions

When the first labor pains begin, you will have (usually) enough time to make some preparations, take a shower or bath and have something light to eat. Now it says:Stay calm and concentrate, The first heavy contractions can sometimes be so overwhelming that you get into a cramp, from which it is difficult to break loose. Sometimes it even causes the birthing process to be more difficult. Try to let go of the painful tension between labor - even if the fear of the next pain surge is already there. If the birth falter, it may be that emergency C-section must be made. That too is not bad and has nothing to do with the fact that you did not behave properly. A PDA (epidural anesthesia) may be an option to give you some relief as it suppresses the pain. The main thing, your baby is fine? no matter how it sees the light of the world.

We wish you all the best for the birth and that you can hold your healthy baby in your arms soon!

Meine Schwangerschaft in Eigenregie 40. SSW (April 2024).

Pregnancy week, pains, birth, date of birth, caesarean section, date of birth, baby