Week of pregnancy 10 (10th week of pregnancy): Everything is growing

You are now in the 10th week of pregnancy (SSW 10). At the end of the first trimester, are some pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness going back? For example, new, constipation comes ... Good news is that the risk of miscarriage is now steadily decreasing and the pregnancy is stabilizing.

This is how the baby develops in the 10th week of pregnancy

© Shutterstock / Ptaha 1

The embryonic phase is finally completed. That means your baby is no longer an embryo, but officially a fetus. All vital organs are now developed and working.

Your unborn child now has tiny fingers, which are still connected with cuticles, like a small frog. But these are slowly disappearing.

The fetus is about 2.5 to 3 centimeters in size (crown-rump-length) and can move arms and legs already self-sufficient.

In this SSW also the development of the external genitalia, That means you can soon see if it will be a boy or a girl! However, you still have to wait a few weeks of pregnancy, and you probably will not find out about the gender of your unborn child until the second ultrasound examination in the 20th week of pregnancy.

This happens in the 10th week of pregnancy in your body

Your body in the third month of pregnancy (SSW 9 - 12).

© Shutterstock / MSSA

The uterus has now grown to the size of an orange. Maybe you already feel that your stomach has gotten bigger. But that can also be because he is bloated. Many pregnant women are already suffering Flatulence and constipation, which is also related to the hormonal conversion.

The pregnancy hormones also make sure that yours Breasts grow, Do you get bigger as you go? a concomitant phenomenon that many women like for a change. Be sure to get bras that are big enough and comfortable. With all the pregnancy problems it does not have to tweak on the breast.

You wonder that you are already out of breath after a few steps? That's completely normal. Even in the first trimester, many pregnant women already suffer shortness of breath, That's because your body needs more oxygen to provide for the unborn baby. In addition, the enlarged uterus pushes up the diaphragm. However, if the shortness of breath also appears in complete silence, you should definitely talk to your gynecologist about it.

heartburn is another annoying evil in pregnancy that affects almost all women. Even in early pregnancy, there may already be heartburn, because the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscles. Unfortunately, this also includes the gastric sphincter, which is why gastric acid spills more often in the direction of the esophagus.

This can help with heartburn:

  • Lie while resting and sleeping rather on the left side.
  • Eat several small meals rather than a few big ones, and then not too fat and too spicy.
  • Move after the meal.
  • Drink lots of water.

SSW 10: This is also to be noted

Please drink only alcohol-free!

Although many say that "a glass has not harmed anyone yet"? It is better if you during the whole pregnancy completely abstained from alcohol, Alcohol can cause complications and damage to the child because it passes through the umbilical cord unfiltered into the bloodstream of the child. Experts repeatedly argue over what amounts of alcohol can lead to birth defects? but since it is a neurotoxin, we advise you to take no risk here and postpone the beloved glass of wine to the time after birth.

Tip: Common anticipation is double anticipation!

In a so-called "Hibbellist", women who are currently pregnant at the same time and who have their child in about the same month are networked, which means they are roughly in the same week. Also in our forum "Kinderwunsch & Babyjahre" you can participate in a suitable Hibbellist and exchange ideas. Click here for the Forum Kinderwunsch and Babyjahre

Calculate birth date:

Here we explain how to calculate your current SSW and the date of birth. Also tips for pregnancy calendars in the net:

Also read

Calculate pregnancy week - how it works!

10 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect in 10th Week of Pregnancy? (April 2024).

Miscarriage, trimester, pregnancy, pregnancy, heartburn