Vaginal Seeding: Controversial birth trend

Nearly every third baby comes in Germany per Caesarean section to the world. The cesarean section has long since ceased to be an emergency measure. Many women decide aware of the methodbecause she is well tested and considered safe. Meanwhile, however, studies show: Caesarean babies fall ill more often from allergies, asthma or type I diabetes compared to naturally born children. The reason suspect the experts in Birth canal of the mother.

Caesarean babies are more susceptible to diseases

Naturally born children come in during childbirth birth canal with a Variety of natural germs from the vaginal area of ​​the mother in contact. The same germs can then be found for weeks on the skin, in the intestinal flora and on the oral mucosa the babies. Caesarian section children, however, can be found in the same places Bacteria, mostly on the hands around the face - those areas with which they come in contact for the first time. Especially in the intestine This means that no healthy germs of the vaginal flora can colonize, which is why experts in the Reason for the weaker immune system Caesarean children suspect. With Vaginal seeding should now be counteracted.

Vaginal Seeding: What is it?

  1. Shortly after the birth is for one Swab placed in the vagina of the motherthat is supposed to absorb the vaginal secretions.
  2. Subsequently, theNewborn rubbed with it, The mouth and eyes are also dabbed.

What sounds disgusting to many at first, is a real one, especially abroad Birth trend. Here too in Germany, demand is rising. Only if the procedure really works is not proven yet.

Risky or healthy? That's what experts say about vaginal seeding

Whether vaginal seeding actually works and harmless for the baby, medics are currently investigating worldwide. Because the Method still new It will take 5 to 6 years for meaningful clinical trial results to be available. Besides the question of the Long-term protection for caesarean children through vaginal seeding, is also the Duration of germ load an important research point. While caesarean children in vaginal seeding come into contact with the germs of the mother relatively briefly, babies born naturally are exposed to vaginal secretions much longer.

First results However, they already showed that the children who received a bacterial shower after the cesarean section had the same intestinal bacterial strains detected as in naturally born children.

Paediatricians warn against infection by vaginal seeding

So long no research results from long-term studies Pediatricians warn against the effects of vaginal seeding before use. Because the newborns could join in the processdangerous pathogens as

  • streptococci
  • herpesviruses
  • chlamydia


In Germany, pregnant women can be tested for such pathogens, but this is far from the standard.

Better to play it safe: Breastfeeding strengthens the immune system

Instead of relying on the mode of action of vaginal seeding, the recommendation still applies: breast-feeding. breast milk is still the best thing for the baby, because it is tailored to the needs of the little ones and at the same time helps to make that happen immune system build. A better prophylaxis against allergies, intolerances and asthma does not exist.

Also with caesarean children Breast milk can compensate for the unpleasant initial composition of the intestinal flora and the increased risk of allergies. And all that without risk of infection

Further information: Why breastfeeding is so healthy or everything worth knowing about the weeks of pregnancy we have put together for you.

Videotipp: Why mothers need support

Mary Wong: "Conceivable! Reversing a Modern-day Dilemma" | Talks at Google (May 2024).

Obstetrics, bacteria