Two of the swords? your tarot card

"Two of the swords" What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Double-edged situation, doubt, weak decision, self-protection, concentration

Do not always search for the solution in your head! Listen in, question your feelings; that probably gives you the better advice.

"Two of the swords": What does the tarot card show?

On the tarot card "Two of Swords", a white-clad woman sits on a stone stool facing you across the front. She crosses her arms over her chest as if she wants to protect herself. In each hand she holds a long, impressive sword. Both swords are the same size and equidistant from the head, the "thinking center" of the young lady away. So there is no favorite, no favorite sword for her.

The woman's eyes are hidden behind a blindfold, so she looks a bit like Justitia, the goddess of justice, who decorates the forecourt of many courthouse buildings. But unlike Justitia, who has a sword next to a sword in her hand, which makes it easier for her to weigh up the facts, the poor blind lady sits on the tarot card between two swords that are exactly alike. In between, should she now make a decision? A task that you can work on for so long that you petrify it? and one comes with the gray pedestal and the gray floor on which the brooding woman has settled for reflection.

There is a very good solution to their thought conflict; Unfortunately, the thinker, tense in her double-edgedness, does not see that. Worse, she's even turning her back on the possible solution! Behind the back of the Sword Lady you can see a body of water, a lake or maybe even the sea. Quiet rippling waves wash around two rocks and a small island. On the shore, some kelp has accumulated. It is evening or night, in the cloudless sky above the water stands the crescent moon, which is just beginning to rise again after the new moon, a positive symbol for the renewed growth of physical and mental power. Seen in the symbolic language of tarot cards, the advice the top-heavy swordswoman does not want to hear here is quite clear: the advice of the feeling for which the water stands just as the moon.

As a day ticket: If the Tarot picture "Two of Swords" stands for you

You are currently highly focused, you are trying to make a clear and reasonable decision in a difficult matter. Between two partners maybe, or between two jobs? But you do not get on well, because stupidly you both options seem equally good and valuable? in any case, purely rational. You will not find a solution until you also question your instincts. So how about a little meditation exercise tonight?

As the Love-Red: If the tarot card "Two of Swords" stands for your partner or your relationship

Either you have two alternatives in mind or your partner is somewhere in between. Do not worry, this does not necessarily have to be a rival who wants to dispute his heart! It may also be that your relationship concept currently seems very incompatible. And that paralyzes him, so he looks almost frozen. Redeem him, very lovingly! Between your two goals, there is a golden mean. And that is what we need to do together.

"Two of the swords": Map assignments

In Tarot: Small Arcana, Number Cards

Further names of the card: II of Swords (Rider Waite Tarot)? Peace / Peace (Aleister-Crowley-Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Air ? Moon in Libra

Tarot Card Lessons Made Easy: Highlighting The Two Of Swords (May 2024).

Tarot card, day ticket, love tarot