"Throw away your scales!" ? Now comes the book for the movie "Embrace"

"Imagine putting one hundred six-month-old babies in a row, would they all look alike? No, some would be small, some long, some broader, some shorter, some with hair, some with no, no two babies that look the same, because we are all unique mixtures, we have humans in many different sizes and shapes, so why should we as adults all try to get the same body shape?

Personally, I am convinced that this conformism is driven by greed for profit. Imagine a world in which people embrace and embrace their bodies as they are, that would be my dream world! Imagine a world without diet! The word? Diet? means in English? diet ?, without that? t? does it read like? the ?, so? dies ?. That seems to me to be something like a sign.

I have made every diet that you can imagine, I'm talking about the? low-carbohydrate diet? or the? much protein diet ?. Diets that combine foods, such as fruit only, with reduced calorie intake; if a diet exists, then I have already done it. And if you measure the success of a diet by not increasing, then I have failed with every diet. That's because the little bitches do not work. Let me repeat that, DIETS DO NOT WORK! A recent study found that a staggering 95 percent of all diet graduates put the lost weight back on it, and an even more disturbing two-thirds were subsequently heavier than they were before the diet. We know more types of diets than ever before and still have a higher proportion of overweight people. The fight against fat did not make the fat disappear!

It's time to raise the white flag, because we have officially lost the war on obesity. We need to look at ourselves and our health from a different angle. What the world needs is not another weight-loss shake or diet expert? What the world needs is a complete overhaul of self-love. Oh shit, that will not work (Attention: sarcasm!), That is no money to earn! The power to change is in each one of us, it's just a shame that for so many women self-esteem is determined by the scale's display.

And while I'm complaining, can I plead with you to throw away your balance if you have one? Your health can not be determined with a number. And do not you think it's strange to let a number determine your mood for the rest of the morning or day?

When I thought Scales still for my best friendsI weighed myself every morning, naked, after peeing, and before breakfast. To weigh myself was part of the morning routine, like showering and brushing my teeth, I never forgot it. From the moment I stepped on the scales, I judged myself, I was fat or thin, good or bad, I had succeeded or I had failed. How crazy is that? To give some numbers on a square object the power to influence my self-esteem and mood for the day like this?

Throwing away my scales was so liberating. I spent a lot of time with Weight Watchers over the years and weighed myself every day. I was amazed at the sense of freedom that could give me a single small object to throw away. When I encourage women to do away with their scales, I am looked at as if I were speaking a foreign language: how can I support something so radical ?!

Now that I've found that scales are bad and diets do not work ? how are we going to fight the multi-billion dollar food and diet corporations who want us to continue believing what they tell us and stuff their pockets with our money? It's time to educate ourselves and get together to have enough !? accept."

How to do that you can read in Taryn's book.

© PR

 Embrace? You are beautiful

The book by Taryn Brumfitt will be published on 31.7.2017 for 14.99 euros by Heel Verlag.
Or you order it here.


Photo: PR

How to EMBRACE Body Positivity (with Taryn Brumfitt – Pt. 1) (April 2024).