This natural wonder drug makes you fit for the bikini

Small amount, big figure effect

The fig wonder-wonder, which probably stands with everyone in the spice rack, is called ZIMT.

Why cinnamon is a slimming product? Because the spice contains phytochemicals that lower blood sugar levels. And that in turn helps to boost metabolism and prevent fat storage. This means that sugar can not be converted into fats. If you want to start losing weight in the morning, you should simply add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to the coffee or tea. The spice restricts your appetite and ensures a long-lasting satiety. It also goes well with desserts such as yogurt, quark, fruit salad or compote. The slimming agent exudes a touch of exoticism in meat and vegetable dishes. But beware: Buy only small amounts of cinnamon, as the aroma evaporates relatively quickly.

From the slimming agent to the disease maker

With all the benefits of cinnamon it should not be forgotten: The spice should be enjoyed only moderately. Reason: Both Ceylon cinnamon and the cassia available in the supermarket contain coumarin. And this ingredient can be toxic in large quantities and cause liver problems.

Caution is also required for allergy sufferers and pregnant women. Cinnamon may cause allergic cross reactions in people who have hay fever. In addition, the essential cinnamon oil can cause labor when taken in high amounts.

To achieve the fat killer effect, you only need to take one gram of cinnamon? So half a teaspoon. And that is completely in the frame and can be eaten without hesitation.

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