This coffee makes women happy (us and others)!

Drinking coffee with a clear conscience is as follows: We buy coffee, which not only harvests the raw materials in the producer country, but also processes them further. If it is roasted and packaged locally, more jobs and more money remain in the country. This benefits women in particular - because women play a central role in coffee production.

100 percent fair: the coffee "Angelique's Finest"

That is why we are getting active: The social business start-up "" from Berlin is helping to get involved Support of ChroniquesDuVasteMonde and Terre des Femmes in Rwanda, a coffee produced 100 percent by women. "Angelique's Finest" is exclusively harvested, roasted and packaged by women. You are also responsible for marketing and export.

Thus, a much larger part of the added value than usual remains with the producers: instead of the usual 15 percent, 50 percent of the purchase price remains in the country. Fair is not possible! That's why "Angelique's Finest" was also certified by "Fairtrade International".

Empowering women: Strong women make strong coffee - and you can help!

For the start-up funding, the "Coffee Cooperative" has launched a large crowdfunding campaign: If at least 50,000 euros come together, the production is commissioned and the market launch of "Angelique's Finest" in Germany is guaranteed!

About four weeks later, 2,000 kilos of freshly-packed coffee are shipped to Germany in containers. Then you are the first to enjoy the high-quality Arabica coffee from the Rwandan volcanic mountains. And that is really delicious!

Here's how crowdfunding!

When She Hasn't Had Her Coffee Yet (May 2024).
