These zodiac signs are the largest hypochondriacs

To put it straight: no one likes sitting around the doctor every few weeks! And no one likes to be seriously worried about his health or expects any inconvenient disease with every minor symptom. Although hypochondriacs are often ridiculed, their concerns are by no means funny. In addition, hypochondria is often rooted not only in personality, but is also favored by some of the zodiac sign. These five star signs tend? in their own way? especially to suffer from imaginary diseases.

1st virgin

As a rule, virgins take things very seriously and always want to keep everything in order. Sure, that such order fans noticed immediately, if something is wrong with her body? and that they want to "clean up" this as soon as possible.

2. Cancer

Cancers are usually very sensitive and sensitive? but that is precisely why they often tend to refer to themselves as others go through. Has someone sneezed in the open-plan office? The biggest fear of getting infected, probably have the crabs among the colleagues.

3. Capricorn

Capricorns have a penchant for extremes. When it comes to expectations of oneself and also of illnesses. Therefore, ibexes often so pure in their symptoms and Zipperlein pure, that according to their diagnosis, there is no chance of recovery? but a specialist aka doctor they consult only when it really does not go on its own. So their perfectionism and need for autonomy for some ibex ultimately can actually be a threat to their own health.

4. Fish

Many fish have long become accustomed to the emotional chaos in their soul. But if then adds a physical restless moment, they quickly lose the balance. Their biggest problem: they often find it difficult to fully open their doctor and so they often leave a practice with the feeling that something was overlooked ...

5. Libra

Whaaaat? Even the balanced scale tends to hypochondria? Indeed! And especially in phases in which she once again feels that she does not get enough attention. When scales are sick, they may be symptomatic of their symptoms, but they can downplay their suffering by getting others what they seemingly refuse to care for. Sounds like a clever strategy? But nothing is what scales in general deliberately decide.

Videotipp: This is the secret superpower of your zodiac sign

6 Zodiac signs whose personality is so strong that it can intimidate others (Taurus is Important) (April 2024).

Zodiac sign, trifle