These jobs make you happy! Is yours here?

Have you ever had a look around the underground on Monday morning? Long faces - wherever you look. It seems like hardly anyone likes to work. There are, according to the job search engine "Indeed" many professions that make happy. For their ranking, a total of 10 million company valuations were considered. The following professions made it into the top 20:

  1. Student Assistant
  2. Trainer (in) / coach
  3. Working student / in
  4. Manager
  5. Forewoman
  6. Waitress
  7. CNC router / in
  8. Forklift operator / in
  9. Media Designer / in
  10. Maurer / in
  11. Tischler / in
  12. Controller / in
  13. Teacher
  14. Assistant
  15. Bus drivers / in
  16. Engineer / in
  17. Electricians / in
  18. Bürokaufmann / woman
  19. Fachlagerist / in
  20. Nurse / nurse

What stands out: In the top-20 are few academic professions, but to find more classic training and craft trades. Apparently, money does not matter - because many top earners are not in the ranking.

Where in Germany do people work best?

The happiest workers live in Hamburg. That's what the employer review portal "kununu" found out. The Hanseatics come to a lucky score of 3.66 (1 = very unhappy, 5 = very happy). Third is Saxony-Anhalt with 3.18 points.

This is what makes employees happy at work | The Way We Work, a TED series (April 2024).

dream job