• April 25, 2024

The woman who never forgets: Rebecca remembers every (!) Day of her life

My aunt is from NZ and we just had a family lunch. I'm rugged up in my HP Quidditch scarf and sweater ?? pic.twitter.com/FZ0uYaRh1T

? Rebecca Sharrock (@r_sharrock) June 26, 2016

It is both a curse and a blessing. Rebecca Sharrock from Brisbane, Australia can remember everything she has ever experienced - even the smallest detail, and that since her 12th birthday. The 27-year-old suffers from the rare hyperthymestic syndrome. This makes her one of the 80 people worldwide whose episodic memory has developed particularly strongly.

Exactly two years ago today I visited the UCI for the first time (which was taken when this picture was taken): pic.twitter.com/nk3IHk3oap

? Rebecca Sharrock (@r_sharrock) July 10, 2016

For a long time she did not know about her illness

At the age of 12, doctors attribute Rebecca's memory to autism. When she sees a documentary on television about a woman with the hyperthymestic syndrome at the age of 21, she finds many things in common. "I always thought that everyone remembers these things," she tells Morning Britain.

The disease has its advantages

Her ability to remember also has advantages for the Australian. Rebecca can remember every word she reads. So she can even memorize all seven Harry Potter books. And as an avid Hogwarts fan that's pretty cool.

The downside, if you can not forget

But the super-memory also has disadvantages. Rebecca can not only put herself in all sorts of situations, her feelings from the past, whether pain or grief, come back up regularly. Old pictures come to her uncontrolled in the head, so that even at night only distracted by music and light can fall asleep.

But Rebecca makes the best of it and now writes a book about her life and lectures on her illness. A really strong woman.

This Woman Remembers Every Day of Her Life (April 2024).

Forgetfulness, memory, autism, Brisbane