The ultimate strategy for the new hairstyle

You still look like your driver's license photo and have been dreaming of a guy change for a long time? Then it's high time for a new hairstyle. No matter whether the new hairstyle is to usher in a new phase of life or whether you simply long for a change: Even if the way to the hairdresser first requires courage, the luck to have dared in the end outweighs. Even surveys show that women with new hair feel more confident.

But the way is just too difficult? Then our 5-point motivational plan will help. It's like a recipe: if the ingredients match, the result is also correct. With these tips, the implementation works:

1. Take your time to choose the hairstyle

It's best to collect pictures of celebrities, models or bloggers who wear exactly the haircut you like. But that's just the first step. Take for example the "Pixie" -Cut. Also you can style different. With or without bangs, fringed or smooth. Comparing the pictures, which always show the same cut, but in different versions, you get a feeling for the later styling of your new hair length.

2. Motivation kick

Sometimes one wakes up in the morning with the feeling of wanting to tackle something very special. Wait for the day you think when you get up: Now I'm ready for the new hairstyle! Now it's time to act.

3. Scheduling

If the day has come, call the hairdresser immediately and make an appointment.

4. Template

Find out your absolute favorite photo from your compiled picture gallery. Take this to the barber and explain exactly what you have imagined.

5. Stay courageous

Have faith in you and in your barber. Do not short-circuit back and let yourself spontaneously cut only the tips. Stay strong.

Life is too short ? your hair too? Do not panic, if you do not like the new haircut afterwards: The hair grows again.

And at least you do not look like this anymore, as in the driver's license photo - that's an improvement.

Men's Short Hair Tutorial - How To Get A Casual Cool Hairstyle (April 2024).
