The stranger in you

© Warner Bros.

As the radio presenter of "Street Walk," Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) is very familiar with New York street life: she knows the rhythm, she knows the stories, she knows the sounds of this city. But everything changes when her fiancé David is killed in a robbery. Erica survives - physically. In the interior, however, she now meets as a stranger.

Terrified and unsure how to deal with the trauma and loss, Erica gets a firearm - and ventures again on the streets of Manhattan. With her nocturnal forays and goal to find those responsible for the death of her fiancé, she gets deeper and deeper into the mire of violence and crime. And soon shots are fired from her gun ...

© Warner Bros.

NYPD Detective Mercer (Terrence Howard) leads a series of unsolved murders in the streets of the Big Appel and near Erica. Fascinated by the radio host, who seems to have her life back under control, he embarks on a friendship. A friendship that shakes Erica: is she still on the right track with her vendetta, or has she not long since become what she really wanted to fight?

Crossing moral boundaries

© Warner Bros.

Neil Jordan's film "The Stranger Within You" describes in an impressive way how a traumatic event can change a person. The way the protagonist deals with this change is both fascinating and frightening. "I like characters who are confronted with problems of gray areas that cross moral boundaries," the director says and hits the nerve of the audience: How would you act if you lose everything?

But not only this question is remembered at the end of the film: Jodie Foster convinces with a very precise performance and contributes significantly to the fact that you can hardly escape the fascination that emanates from the figure of Erica Bain.

Conclusion: With "The stranger in you" Neil Jordan again proves a sure hand for tricky topics: A disturbing self-justice psycho thriller with a strong Jodie Foster.

The Stranger Billy Joel (July 2024).

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