The slightly different testimony: 6 sentences that you should tell your child

The pressure on German schools is high. Early on children are told that they have to write good grades? for the secondary school, for the study place, for the career, the Pisa study or just the family honor. As a result, more and more children complain about stress? Some even suffer from burnout and depression.

But we all know: grades tell only a small part about a child. What about other talents, strength of character, social skills and helpfulness?

These are only marginally tested and evaluated in school? At the same time they are just as important for the later life of the children.

Parents can best assess these important characteristics of the child. But they rarely give any feedback on how the child feels they have evolved.

A testimony to the other competences

That's why we like the idea of ​​the online learning platform Scoyo: The educators have developed a certificate form that looks quite different from what we know from schools. It focuses on individual experiences and services away from the classroom, but at least as proud. Parents like children.

These are the points that parents can fill in for the other certificate:

  • What the teachers do not know about you:
  • I almost burst with pride when you spent the last six months ...
  • I was angry about that.
  • So I would describe you in a few words, if someone asks me:
  • The world would be so much poorer without you because ...
  • I am proud of you.

You notice the difference? Unlike the cold certificate of censorship, there is a lot of warmth and love in it. And they should not be lost under all pressure to perform.

We wish you a nice holiday season!

You can find the special certificate form for completing on

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Two of abused Turpin children read statements during parents' sentencing (April 2024).