The queen of the bars? your tarot card

"The Queen of Wands": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Sovereignty, willpower, sense of responsibility, empathy

You have so much power that you can give plenty of it to others!

"The Queen of Wands": What does the tarot card show?

The Queen is the equally proud and empathetic ruler of the Fire Kingdom in the Tarot Card world. On a magnificent golden throne adorned with lions and sunflowers she sits opposite you on her card, the regent in the realm of willpower. Dressed in gold and silver, of course with a crown on his head.

However, the lady looks a bit arrogant, because she does not pay any attention to you. Instead, she looks sideways into the distance. Before we do her wrong, maybe she's discovered something in her realm that worries her and what she needs to take care of? She is ultimately responsible for the welfare of her subjects.

In her right hand, the queen holds the leafy staff of her domain, in the left a sunflower. The sunflower is a sign of their love of nature and joie de vivre, but also a symbol of the zodiac Leo, which astrologically rules the midsummer when these flowers bloom. In addition, the golden lions on the armrests confirm the strength and determination of the Queen.

In front of the throne, at the feet of the regent, sits a little black cat. Black cats have always been known witches' wives, right? In fact, some magic is already in play here. "The queen of the bars? is a master at using the secret powers of the subconscious, the foreshadowing and the intuition for the benefit of all.

As a day ticket: If the Tarot image "Queen of the Wands" stands for you

Well, you are a very active and attractive, passionate and lively woman who convinces in just about every situation. Everyone knows that? but do you know it too? Do not doubt any longer: you are strong! You are sovereign! Or do you still need a role model? Then you will probably meet a very energetic and dynamic woman who will motivate you to be who you are and to learn a lot about self-confident behavior.

As the Love-Red: If the tarot card "Queen of Wands" stands for your partner or your relationship

"The Queen of Wands" embodies an equally strong-willed and emotional personality that does not necessarily have to be a woman. So your partner can also be blessed with these beautiful human qualities. Probably it is in your relationship but already so that you rather pants on than he. Simply because you have more of an overview, are more determined and dynamic. But that does not matter to him, he likes to entrust himself to your gentle, loving guidance.

"The Queen of Wands": Map assignments

In Tarot: Small Arcana, farm cards

Further names of the card: Queen of Wands (Rider-Waite-Tarot / Aleister-Crowley-Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Water of Fire - Moon in the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

Aquarius - Raising the bar #nomoresettling - Relationship Tarotscope (April 2024).

Staff, Tarot card, Liebestarot, Day pass