The queen of coins? your tarot card

"The Queen of Coins": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Wealth, harmony, love of nature, material security

Trust in the eternal cycle of life! You are safe in it.

"The Queen of Coins": What does the tarot card show?

The Tarot "Queen of the Coins" is the ruler of the realm of the earth, in which the beauty of reality becomes visible, tangible and tangible to us. Accordingly lush, this beauty is also depicted on her map: roses entwine in the picture above the golden sky, blossoms, fruits and green grass sprout at the Queen's feet; and also the hare, who? well camouflaged? Hopping through the image in the lower right is a symbol of fertility.

Fertility and lush growth are also signaled by the flowing green veil of the queen, which falls down beneath the crown adorned with cherries and red foliage, while her gown combines the whiteness of spiritual purity and the red of energy and willpower.

An angel's head and fruit ornaments adorn the coin queen's stone throne, with a capricorn and a bull on the back. These are references to the eponymous signs of the zodiac, which are assigned to the element earth in astrology and stand as a zodiac sign for very down-to-earth, realistic and assertive personalities.

On her lap, the "Queen of the Coins" holds the symbol of her empire, the large golden coin, which is decorated with a pentacle, gently in both hands. Loving and caring, she looks at the glass, almost as a mother looks at her child. As the "water of the earth", the Queen of Queens feels deeply responsible for the well-being of her subjects, but also for the well-being of nature around her.

Much more would have to happen here before the wealth of the earth unfolded everywhere: the soil at the feet of the queen is not overgrown everywhere, but has bare, sandy spots; and the blue mountains in the background are barren and cold. But that will be all right! The queen sits slightly to the right on her throne: she trusts in her experience, she knows that nature renews itself every year.

As a day ticket: If the Tarot picture "Queen of the coins" stands for you

The topic of the day is the question of how safe and confident you currently stand as a seasoned woman (and maybe mother) in the middle of life. A key factor in your self-confidence is the harmony with your femininity, both emotionally and physically. If you feel comfortable in your skin and love what you are responsible for, then everything is fine, then you will convince other people of you very much today. But if you're constantly thinking about botox injections, beauty surgeries, or anything like that, then you'd better consult with a realistic and experienced woman first. She will know if an artificial ego is really a good alternative.

As a Love Red: If the tarot card "Queen of Coins" stands for your partner or your relationship

The "Queen of the Coins" embodies an equally objective and realistic as well as sensual and emotional personality. It does not necessarily have to be a woman. In this sense, how nice, you have a partner by your side who allows you to love and live feelings! Just like that, they are just there. You can fully trust him, with him you can not only enjoy life from the heart, but also make long-term plans.

The "Queen of Coins": Map assignments

In Tarot: Small Arcana, farm cards

Further names of the card: Queen of the Pentacles / Queen of Pentacles (Rider-Waite-Tarot)? Queen of Disks (Aleister-Crowley-Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Water of the earth? Moon in the Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Queen of Pentacles - Embrace the magic of Your Life: Understand the Court Cards in the Tarot (April 2024).

Coin, tarot card, day pass