"The Perfect Body": US fashion brand picks up Victoria's Secret

Oops, that was an own goal. With their new advertising campaign, the lingerie brand Victoria's Secret has got a lot of trouble. On large advertising motifs, the US group promoted with its very slender angels (including the top models Toni Garrn and Candice Swanepoel) for a new bra collection. So far, so good - is not there the headline "The Perfect Body," which could easily persuade women how a perfect body should actually look: skinny, with a Barbie waist and fitted with the famous thigh gap. An unrealistic, questionable beauty ideal. And even if Victoria's Secret wanted to promote the eponymous underwear series "The Body" with the pun, the result was a worldwide storm of indignation that culminated in boycott calls, online petitions and the hashtag #iamperfect.

Especially charming takes the US fashion label Dear Kate the campaign on the shovel. The company, which employs only women, shows how women in underwear really look. Without Photoshop, but with curves and cellulite. Incidentally, the action is not the first PR coup that makes Dear Kate talk about. Already in August, an ad campaign featured only "real women in underwear", all working in the high-tech industry. Sometimes it just does not need big words.

By the way, Victoria's Secret has responded by renaming the slogan "The Perfect Body" to "A Body for Every Body". The laughs had the girls of Dear Kate still on their side.

Victoria’s Secret Angels Reveal The Secret Of Their Perfect Bodies (May 2024).

Victoria's Secret, Toni Garrn, Candice Swanepoel, nude_content, The Perfect Body, Lingerie, Real Women Underwear, Victoria's Secret, Dear Kate