Tara Stiles: Why Yoga makes us beautiful

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: How is it that yoga can improve our appearance? Tara Stiles: The movements make for a slim, strong body. The skin shines, we look younger, have more charisma. But yoga not only changes the body and the mind, which becomes calm and calm, but the whole life. When you train in a relaxed way, you learn to become more attentive to yourself - and that in turn makes you more attentive, energetic, and healthy. If you do an exercise that you do not like, just to burn calories, then you are likely to be rewarded with unhealthy food afterwards. This is called the punishment and reward vicious circle. Yoga brings us out of this and brings us into the feeling mode, that is, we feel ourselves and our needs better again.

What effects does yoga have on your life? Since I do yoga, I am happier, healthier and listen more to my intuition. Yoga improves mood, provides more energy and less stress, for better sleep, health and well-being. It's best to work out every day, even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Begin in bed in the morning by concentrating on your breath for three minutes. You will feel great!

How do you manage to motivate yourself regularly? You should not put too much pressure. It is important to have fun. Maybe it's nicer with a friend and at a time when you feel like moving, not when you have to force yourself to do it. If you are enthusiastic, you will be there for the long term.

Why are you called the "yoga rebel" in the US? In my yoga style, Strala, I have left much of the modern Yoga tradition: the teacher-student relationship, Sanskrit, singing and focusing on the yoga position as a goal, for example. Rather, it's about helping people to move their bodies with ease, so they can come back into contact with themselves and get well. There are also modern music in my classes, such as Eddie Vedder or the Rolling Stones. Strala is a yoga party!

Which is your favorite asana? That depends on how I feel right now. I love the dancer position because it makes me feel strong and open. And the handstand and forearm stand.

What is your nutrition like? I look for what is good for my body and eat mainly things that you can plant. Although I would not call myself a vegan, but it goes in the direction. I really enjoy cooking and constantly trying out new dishes that I publish on Tumblr.

Why Yoga Is For Everyone With Tara Stiles (April 2024).

Tara Stiles, yoga, body, spirituality, charisma, tara stiles, yoga, asanas, new york