start to the day

Astrologer and Naturopath Roswitha Broszath: "I try to be as gentle and gentle as possible, just as my fish-woman temperament is, fish is a watermark, water supports me in every way, so in the morning I first drink a big glass of warm water Thereafter, I allow myself a lot of time in the bathroom and shower extensively with aroma essences In the shower, by the way, I come up with the best ideas, with which I can start the day.I deliberately use the morning ritual in the bathroom to do so to be completely with me and to gather strength, because during the day I am completely prepared for my counterpart by my therapeutic work.

I certainly do not expect my personal daily horoscope. The psychological astrology I work with is helpful in questioning and understanding oneself, certain processes and developments. But one should not depend on astrological constellations, because that makes one unfree. I live my day and not my horoscope. Although under critical Mars, the challenge may be a little more intense. But the stars do not determine my actions or my reactions. That's my own responsibility. "Roswitha Broszath has been writing the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde chart for 20 years

Nutritionist Regina Heid: "In a day's work, I start with a home-made cereal made from whole-grain flakes and fresh fruit, because carbohydrates in the form of wholegrain flakes or wholemeal bread replenish the" energy holes "created during the night and the fruits provide many vitamins more efficient and responsive and does not tire so quickly until the second breakfast.

I especially like a fresh-grain porridge with cream or fruit juice; But there is not enough time for that during the week. And of course the cup of coffee can not be missing in the morning with me while I skim over the headlines of the daily paper. Then I prepare the snack in the late morning: Then there is a wholemeal bread with cheese or spread and I snip in addition to a carrot, an apple, a pepper or cucumber bread box. "

Pastor Elisabeth Kruse: "The ideal start to the day is above all a start without hustle and bustle, I like to enjoy a moment of rest when waking up, I feel my body, it is warm and does not hurt anywhere, everything is fine, I greet it, tell myself Good morning, I am glad that I am and thank God for it.

Before the problems of everyday life get back in the consciousness, I try to include in my gratitude the beautiful that lingers from the day before or to which I am pleased. The problems that the coming day will bring, I put in God's hands and ask him for his help. I tell myself then: I do what I can, and no one can expect more from me. This moment belongs only to me. I really like having some free time. "

Yoga teacher Kumud Doris Schramm: "The moment of waking up is a very special experience for me as a yogini: to feel the senses awaken and the breathing deepen, I consciously feel the body, experience the feelings and thoughts that make me out, and know who I am For that I take enough time.

When the moment of getting up has come, I check through which nose I inhale and exhale. To do this, I close the nostrils alternately from below with my thumb and breathe in through the other side of the nose. That's how I feel through which nose side I breathe easier.

We humans always breathe alternately through a nostril. Every one and a half to two hours the page changes. As we breathe more deeply through the right nostril, the activities of the left hemisphere are stronger and we act more outward. Conversely, the right half of the brain is more active and we act more inward when the left side of the nose is open.

I first enter the floor in front of the bed with my foot on the side with the nose side open. Because the first step in the morning into life is to be in accordance with my energy flow. So. So started, I will certainly be able to experience and enjoy the day consciously. "

Sleep researcher and chronobiologist Andrea Rodenbeck: "How well someone gets out of bed in the morning depends on whether they are larks or owls, larks are types of morning sick people who go to sleep early and wake up easily, while owls go to bed late and therefore have difficulty with alarm clocks of all kinds.

The ideal time to get up is banal, then, when we are well rested? best at the end of a dream phase. Dream sleep, light sleep and deep sleep alternate on average every 90 minutes. Deep sleep occurs especially in the first half of sleep, dream sleep especially in the second. As we shorten our sleep, we increasingly cut away the dream phases.That is not healthy in the long run. We need both types of sleep. Deep sleep consolidates our factual knowledge, in dream sleep we process emotional processes, so how do I deal with certain situations? But also cycling we "learn" in dream sleep.

One more word about sleeping time: Seven to eight hours should already be targeted. On average, Germans sleep seven hours and three minutes on weekdays. That's about an hour less than 100 years ago. Now many people actually get along with less sleep, that's okay. Crucial is the daily condition. But if you only get five to six hours of sleep during the whole week, you should definitely use the weekend to sleep in. "

Start by star signs: The best morning rituals

Capricorn: Capricorns love it orderly. A clear concept, preferably designed the previous evening, allows a lively start to the day. But it would be ideal to plan something nice every day.

Aquarius: But no fixed rituals, is the life motto of the Aquarians. Getting a good start every day is step aerobics. That elates.

Fishes: Fish love gentle transitions. Dreams can linger a bit, then an extensive shower with aroma essences, like vanilla, so succeeds in the day's entry.

Aries: Aries felt like it, and then in a concrete way, into the day. Running, jogging, feeling your own strength. And the day will be a success.

Bull: Bulls love music and therefore like to be musically awakened. A light workout to music then gets the circulation going.

Twins: Twins must always be close to the pulse of the action. Being connected to the world via the latest news is the prerequisite for an inspired start to the day.

Cancer: Cancers can not jump abruptly. Gentle stretching before getting up, green tea with violet aroma already in the bathroom, that makes you want to day.

Lion: For the sun sign Leo, the sun salutation is the classic, to arouse all life spirits. The positive expectation of the lion can then be dynamic in the day.

Virgin: Hatha yoga, perhaps also the power variant, is the favorite to start the day in a spirited way. Of course, a whole meal cereal should not be missing.

Libra: Creative scales love to greet the day in a variable way, according to their own internal clock. An exclusive French breakfast puts you in the right mood.

Scorpio: Scorpions benefit in the morning from a cardiovascular training to feel really fit and powerful. Ideal: the exercises of the 5 Tibetans.

Sagittarius: Visions, if possible even before getting up, enthuse shooters. And the idea that the ultimate event is waiting for you right now.

6 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! - MORNING MOTIVATION | Motivational Video for Success (May 2024).

Roswitha Broszath, working day