Spine Gymnastics: The Best Exercises

The benefits of spine gymnastics

Spinal gymnastics primarily serves to strengthen our core muscles. Since most of us sit several hours a day, back problems and tension are inevitable. Through targeted back training, however, you can stretch and strengthen your muscles, so you can prevent back pain.

The following exercises are all executable without any devices. Before the workout, you should first do some warm-up and then slowly start exercising. For best results, do the back exercises at least twice a week.

Spine gymnastics: Do not neglect the abdominal muscles

You may be wondering why our workout includes abdominal exercises as well as back exercises. The reasoning is simple: Our muscles work only through an interaction of opposing muscles, the Agonists and antagonists, Therefore, you should also train your spinal muscles during spinal gymnastics to avoid low back pain.

The most effective exercises for spinal gymnastics

1. Quadruped stand for a strong body center

Go to the quadruped stand and make sure your hands are under your shoulder and your knees are under your hips. Then you stretch your right leg back and your left arm forward, so that you make a straight line with your back, Then, bring your knee and elbow together under your body. After 15 to 20 repetitions you change sides

2. Back swing for a movable spine

Lay your back flat on the floor and angle your legs so that you can grasp them with your arms. Now lift your head and shoulders lightly and rock slowly back and forth, From this exercise, you can do three passes, each with 15 reps.

3. Sit-ups for a strong upper body

For the proper practice of the sit-ups, lie on your back and place your legs about shoulder-width. Then you put your hands to the head and slowly raise your upper body. It is important that your back stays straight and you do not make a hollow cross. Then you can slowly roll back, but your shoulders should not touch the ground completely. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

4. Bridge for a solid hull

Lie on your back and put your legs up, your hands lying with your palms down next to your body. Then you raise your pelvis until your body forms a line. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly lower the pelvis again. If you want to make the exercise more challenging, you can take turns stretching your right and left legs.

5. Lateral support for the strengthening of the spine

The lateral support is also an effective exercise in spinal gymnastics. Lie on the right side and rest your right arm. Your legs are on top of each other, your left hand covers your hips. Then you raise your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line, After holding the position for a few seconds, you can lower your hips again. After ten repetitions you change sides.

Spine Health Through Exercise (April 2024).

Back pain, back muscles, spine