So you make with ZUCKER a great beauty gift

This is easier than touching the cookie dough!

Our beauty DIY recipe is self-made in two minutes. It is not only an absolute beauty, but also the perfect exfoliation for those who love natural cosmetics and want to ban ingredients such as microplastics and Co from their cosmetics! Ingredients of the simple but effective body scrub are Sugar, coconut oil and honey.

Of course, exhale with sugar, coconut oil and honey

To make an exfoliation, is sugar ideal? The individual sugar crystals are not as sharp as with salt. Coconut oil is particularly intensively nourishing and has an antibacterial effect? especially good for skin that tends to blemishes. And since coconut oil moisturizes the skin so well, it also looks more plump. Honey binds moisture, clears and soothes the skin. In addition to traces of vitamin C, it also contains vitamin B1, B2, B6, biotin and pantothenic acid, which supports skin renewal.

The simple exfoliating recipe

200 grams of coconut oil or coconut oil

100 grams of brown organic sugar

50 grams of honey

Stir well and fill in a boiled disposable jar.

Tip: Thickness is the consistency, if you take coconut oil from the glass and liquid honey. Think about it: give a small indication of the durability (about 6 months), because self-made natural cosmetics is not durable so long.

If you like, the DIY beauty recipe can also vary: with olive oil, lemon or other essential oils such as lavender or tea tree oil.

DIY Gift Ideas! 10 DIY Christmas Gifts & Birthday Gifts for Best Friends (May 2024).

Sugar, peeling, coconut oil, beautician, do it yourself, natural cosmetics, honey, cosmetics