So no eye stays dry

If the eyelids scratch the eyelids while waking up, that's not a pleasant start to the day. The doctors speak of "dry eyes", the foreign body sensation and a redness are typical. The culprit is a pathological change in the tear film.

Our tears consist of water, salts, proteins, enzymes and lipids (fat). This tear film wets the surface of the eyes with moisture-binding nutrients. As soon as it breaks, they lose their moisture. They will become dry, red and burn. Sometimes the eyes react to this with increased tears. Due to the lack of lipids, however, the water runs off; Although the eyes are wet, the water can not be stored in the eye. The tear film remains incomplete. The eyes are no longer well protected from bacteria, viruses and foreign bodies, their resistance to infections is weakened. If the production of tear fluid is chronically disturbed, it threatens long-term connective and corneal inflammation. Even sight can deteriorate.

More than ten million Germans suffer, according to the professional association of ophthalmologists Germany e.V. under dry eyes. This is mainly due to heating air, air conditioning and VDU work. Wearing contact lenses also increases the risk, and in menopausal women hormonal changes may be behind it. Because as soon as the estrogen level drops with age, not only the skin, but also the eye stores less moisture.

Not infrequently, drugs are the cause of dry eyes: beta-blockers, psychotropic drugs or sleeping pills, for example. If you are under medical treatment for rheumatism, diabetes, thyroid disease or allergies, you should talk to your doctor if your eyes are dry. Maybe the conversion to another product will help. Sometimes the unpleasant feeling can also be alleviated by simple measures. If that fails, an ophthalmologist should be asked for advice.

What helps against dry eyes?

Fresh air

Those who spend a lot of time in air-conditioned rooms should take a break in the fresh air. Just a few minutes are enough to supply the cornea with oxygen and to stimulate the production of tears. In case of wind and sunshine put on glasses so that the conjunctiva is protected! Humidifiers help against dry heating air. Warm compresses soothe watering eyes and stimulate the sebaceous glands on the lid margin to form new fat.

Blink more often

When concentrating on the screen, we often forget to blink. Normal are twelve blinks per minute. Let your eyes wander into the distance, look out of the window and blink. With every blink of the eye, the lacrimal glands produce new fluid.

eat fish

Omega-3 fatty acids can improve the quality of the tear film. Therefore eat a lot of fish. Dietary supplements are an alternative, but only if taken for months. Eye drops with omega-3 fatty acids are currently being tested in the US.

Artificial tears

Anyone who sits at the computer for a long time should drip "artificial tears" in the eye at an early stage and not only when itches. They contain moisture binders such as polymers or hyaluronic acid and stabilize the tear film. Since they are well tolerated, they can be used every two hours. For the night, when the eyes produce no tears, instead of drops gels or ointments are more suitable. They keep the moisture longer and maintain the eyelids.

Do without preservative

Contact lens wearers should always use artificial tears without preservatives. Because preservatives are suspected to accumulate in the lenses and damage the tear film. Even those who do not wear contact lenses, but use eye drops more than three times a day and over a longer period of time, experts should choose products that are free of preservatives. They can be taken easily for years. They are also available in single doses and even as sprays. They are sprayed on the closed eyelids and reach the eye via the eyelids. A good solution for those who can not manage without drops on the way.

Only in case of emergency: "whitening agent"

Against the redness, over-the-counter eye drops help with "whiteners" such as Tetryzolin. After only a few minutes, the blood vessels have contracted, the white of the eyes is flawless. Unfortunately, these quick helpers not only let redness fade away in a flash, they dry their eyes even further. So they are only for emergencies!

Buchanan Optometrists - DRY EYES (May 2024).

Tear, tears, dry, eye, red