So cool a working mom silences a complainer

Sharing life between work and family is a ordeal for all parents - even if they're prominent, like Irish news anchor Susan Keogh. Like many mothers, she suddenly missed her four-year-old daughter at work and released a small sigh on Twitter.

And unfortunately, Twitter would not be Twitter if a stranger with "suggestions for improvement" had not promptly reported that Susan should implement. Susan did not hesitate and sent him a sensational letter in response - in the video you can see how brilliantly she reacted to the impudence.

Honest and disarmingly honest

The anonymous Twitter Pöbler promptly deleted his tweets to Susan - presumably because he himself realized that he had misbehaved.

Susan's letter has spread a thousand times on the Internet - and hopefully continues to encourage many working women to not be attacked for their life planning.

Videotipp: The most absurd parents special requests

This Poem Will Change Your Life | Rudy Francisco - Complainers | Goalcast (May 2024).

Twitter, Wife, Mother, Occupation, Job, Twitter