Shorten waiting time: This will help you get to a specialist appointment more quickly

Appointment chaos for patients

You would like to go to a specialist specialist to clarify a condition? but the next appointment is only in six to nine months free? A scenario that is not uncommon. "Finanztest" even reported a case in which a retiree should wait for an appointment that was scheduled for 11.11.2019. In the past, the specialist in internal medicine just did not have an appointment. But what can we do about this appointment dilemma?

First stop ? GP!

As "financial test" writes, we should make our first statement to our family doctor. He knows the structure, creates referrals and probably knows best how to quickly get an appointment with a specialist. In case of emergency, your doctor is sure to call you in practice? and ask for an appointment for you.

In addition, your GP may also know a specialist outpatient department in the hospital or medical care centers attached to clinics. Because: What many do not know is that hospitals often have a good outpatient care for patients. However, the Fachambulanz does not confuse the emergency department where patients go after an accident! Both in specialist outpatient clinics and in care centers, you have good chances for timely appointments.

Appointment via service point

Did you know that there is an appointment service of the Kassenärztliche associations for all federal states? Now! This service point is responsible for ensuring that patients with an appropriate referral (which states the urgency!) Receive an appointment within one week? with a maximum of four weeks waiting time. Of course, there is no entitlement to a particular doctor at this appointment, and certain days of the week and times of the day can not be considered. Nonetheless, the law provides that mediated practice is within reasonable distance.

The Consumer Center points out that the service centers only appoint appointments with cardiologists, neurologists and orthopedists. Are women's, eye and dentists as well as orthodontists excluded from this regulation? unless the individual federal states handle the award differently.

Explaining GI Procedures (May 2024).

Doctor's visit, doctor's office, waiting time