Salary increase: 4 practical tips for more money!

1st salary increase: the preparation

Before the salary negotiation comes, it's about making good arguments that justify the salary increase. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What added value do I bring to my boss and the company?
  • To what extent have I improved since the last salary negotiation?
  • What will I do for my employer in the future?

A salary increase will be in the first place with deeds required, Say: You take over well before a salary more responsibility and new tasks, You may also find a way to work more efficiently and do more at the same time.

The current situation Provides the best arguments to convince your supervisor that you underpaid are. Nevertheless, you should also look into the future and show how you will contribute even more to the company.

2nd salary increase: good arguments and formulations

Many a boss gets the horror, when the word salary increase comes out of your mouth. From one salary adjustment talking can be taken much more relaxed.

We often associate with an increase costs and the fact that you want to earn more money. If you make an adjustment, it sounds more likely that your current salary does not suit your job.

It's important that you get a salary negotiation know exactly your value, And that means your market value, too. Do you quickly find jobs that are at least as good as your current one?

If you are more uncertain and do not really want to change employers, you should to renounce exaggerated arguments.

  • "At another employer, I earn more !?
  • "Why am I so worthless to you ??
  • "This is my last word!?

Also bad are phrases that make you feel insecure to your boss.

  • "I would like to have ...?
  • "I could imagine ...?
  • "I need ...?

3. Salary increase: The right strategy

  • How much more can I earn? As a rule, the salary increase is at most 10 percent amount to probably 5 percent. If you really want to earn significantly more money, you clearly have to explain to your boss in the interview that you are also making a lot more money for the company with your services.
  • Safe appearance: Even if your boss wants to unsettle you and your arguments speak badly, stay self-confident and emphasize your strengths. If your supervisor on the bad economic situation Refer to the market, get confirmation for a new conversation in the coming months, or ask for other benefits or extras.
  • Written: It is generally important that you record the result of the salary negotiation on paper, so that no one can talk it out afterwards. The best you repeat at the end of the conversation again clearly the key data.
  • Timing: A salary talk does not start just before lunch time and not in the middle of a stressful project. Ideally, you talk to your boss, if you are just a very good performance accomplished and feel really confident.

4. Salary increase: Are there alternatives to salary?

Negotiation wants to be learned and practice makes perfect. Nevertheless, it makes sense already one Plan B to have in your pocket if a raise is denied. Are there any possibilities regarding the working conditionswho would relieve you a lot?

  • Introduction of flextime
  • Home office days
  • More training and external training
  • holidays

You should choose such alternatives only when you realize in the salary talks that a salary increase is absolutely impossible. But before you coquet with other jobs, use the broad field of the working world and see where you can make better conditions for you. But never forget: Always call good arguments!

You really want to change jobs and ask yourself: How do I find the right job? We'll show you where highest paid jobs are. With good brainstorming techniques you are also well prepared for talks about new jobs.

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Videotipp: Cancellation job interview

MONEY SAVING TIPS: How I Saved $10,000 in 10 Months on a $30,000 Salary (April 2024).

Net income, salary negotiation