• April 18, 2024

Runny nose ? What can I do against it?

If the nose runs and the tissues are in continuous use, doctors speak of fluent coryza. The sniff nose can have a variety of causes. Which are and what you can do acutely against a runny nose? Here you will learn everything about the issue of colds.

Running nose for colds

In most cases, constant nasal running in colds in the form of runny nose occurs. The coryza for colds is often accompanied by irritated nostrils and sore sinuses

This leads to inflammation, as a result of which the nasal mucous membranes are irritated and excessively supplied with blood. It comes from thin to thick secretions from the nose. Through this secretion, the invading pathogens are eliminated from the body.

This avoids that bacteria or viruses spread in the respiratory tract, which in turn can lead to a superinfection, for example an inflammation of the sinuses or to pneumonia. That's why you should be on a cold or a cold Make sure that the mucus from your nose can drain wellbecause a stuffy nose retains all sorts of pathogens in the body.

Running nose in case of allergies

An equally common cause of a runny nose is allergic reactions, especially hay fever, Here the expert speaks of an allergic flu. The coryza in an allergy is part of the body's defense against certain substances. He goes along with other symptoms such as swollen mucous membranes in the nose, sneezing, watery eyes and itching.

Running nose: other causes

If the cause of your cold is unclear or the symptoms are not clear, you should always consult a doctor who is looking for causes.

In addition to a cold or an allergy, there are various causes for a runny nose:

  • Conjunctivitis of the eye
  • adenoids
  • Sinusitis
  • impaired function of the blood vessel nerves
  • vasomotor rhinitis
  • Cluster headache
  • Tumors of the nose or paranasal sinuses
  • Inhalation of irritant substances
  • Spicy or hot food (gustatory rhinitis)

Running nose: what helps?

The treatment of fluent cystitis, of course, depends on the individual causes. You should clarify the reasons of your running nose in any case, but here are some remedies with which you can quickly stop your runny nose.

  • Nasal Spray: Nasal sprays ensure that the blood flow to the vessels in the nasal mucosa is reduced and the secretion can flow well. So you can breathe freely again, the symptoms of your cold are immediately alleviated. But beware: Do not use the nasal spray for more than a week as it can make you dependent.
  • Nasal irrigation: A proven home remedy for a runny nose is a nasal rinse. You need a nasal rinsing can, lukewarm water and a few teaspoons of salt. Now simply insert the nasal douche in one nostril and rinse through the other nostril. This process disinfects the nasal mucous membranes and dissolves the mucus.
  • Inhale: The inhalation of hot steam has an expectorant effect. In addition, steam inhalations prevent nosebleeds. Simply pour boiling water into a bowl and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Cover your head with a towel, lean over the bowl and inhale the soothing steam through your nose for about ten minutes.

We have more tips for you, if the cold wave has reached you: from the chills, home remedies for colds to lower the fever.

Videotipp: So you get rid of a cold in 24 hours

Nasal Cleansing - Mayo Clinic (April 2024).

Cold, runny nose, snout nose