Rice pudding recipes for sweet luck

Cooking rice pudding - that's easy

Rice pudding should be boiled in a large pot to stir well. Basically, there are two philosophies for rice pudding: some add the sugar at the end, others at the beginning. Our cooking professionals in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde experimental kitchen prefer the latter.

So you can make rice pudding yourself:

  1. First, bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Stir in the rice pudding and a small pinch of salt, bring to a boil again and stir.
  3. Then reset the stove and let the milk rice on the lowest level swell - that takes about 30 minutes (note instructions!).
  4. Only add the sugar at the end.

Rice pudding prepared differently

But that's how it works: Put the milk in a saucepan and sprinkle in 1 tablespoon of sugar so that as much of the bottom of the pot as possible is covered with sugar. Boil the milk and do not stir, Add the rice pudding to the boiling milk, bring to the boil again and stir. Leave the rice pudding on the stove for about 30 minutes.

It does not matter which method you prefer: so that rice pudding does not burn when cooking, you should use a pot with a thick bottom and rinse it with cold water first. If it still happens, never stir and quickly pour the rice pudding into another pot.

Incidentally, one pound of milk is calculated per 200 to 250 grams of rice pudding. Who likes, can milk too replace with coconut milk, Milk rice becomes particularly creamy if you lift cream under it. The best rice is round rice, because it can absorb a lot of milk. Other ingredients, such as the pith of a vanilla bean, complete the taste. Most people know the basic recipes for the dessert, but rather with cinnamon and sugar. Click through our recipes and find your favorite.

Video Recommendation:

EASY RICE PUDDING IN INSTANT POT - The easiest recipe! Pressure Luck 101 (July 2024).

Dessert, Dessert, Childhood Memories, Sweet Food, Cooking, Favorite recipe