Remove wasp nest? what can I do?

The essentials in brief:

  • Individuals may not remove wasp nests themselves
  • A professional decides what to do - the cost is around 200 euros
  • There is no danger from the wasp nest itself

Oh scary ? In the neighborhood, wasps are spreading! When the flying and stinging insects have suddenly built a nest in the immediate vicinity of the apartment, many panic. But how do you behave properly? Set up wasp trap? Wasps foam spray? Shake down the wasp's nest with a shovel? We give the answers!

I want to remove the wasp nest - what can I do?

© fexel / Shutterstock

The bad news: You yourself are not allowed to remove the wasp nest at all, because almost all wasps are like hornetsunder conservation! The good news: You can easily get one Contracting specialistwho takes care of the problem. However, a nest may only be removed if it is really necessary.

On Beekeeper or an exterminator are the right people to contact if you want to remove or relocate the wasp nest because, for example, the wasps are aggressive and make life difficult for you and your family. You can also contact the pest controller through the local city administration or find out what you can do with the wasp nests.

Also, better keep your fingers off so-called wasp foam, The stuff from the hardware store promises to seal the nest, but ultimately causes the wasps to die agonizingly. In addition, they can initially become very aggressive and go into attack mode.

How much does the use of a beekeeper or exterminator cost?

The price for the removal of wasp nests varies from provider to provider, it also comes on the Shape and location of the nest on. With a free hanging wasp nest you can with costs of around 150 euros count, if the nest are in niches and cavities, the cost of an exterminator can up to 250 euros climb. Tip: Leave a noncommittal Cost estimate exhibit!

Tenant or landlord - who has to pay the distance?

If you live for rent and the nest is on the outside of the building or in the shutter box, first inform the landlord. In many cases, he is responsible for the wasp control and must instruct the specialist with the distance and pay for it.

Is the wasp nest dangerous?

A concrete danger does not start from the wasp nest, The wasps queen lives here with her people - however, an increase in the number of insects is to be expected near the nests. And: With shocks or hectic movements, the animals can become aggressive and possibly stabbed. Wasp stings are painful and specifically dangerous for allergy sufferers.

A wasp nest is usually inhabited for only one year. After the summer months, queen and worker wasps die, only one wasp - the young queen - moves on to overwinter and to found a new wasp population next year.

By the way: You do not need a wasp trap for wasp control. Because we'll tell you a simple trick that will banish wasps, which is not forbidden - and you only need one tool to do it:

And here we tell you a home remedy for aphids, which works really well! Incidentally, you will find more tips on the garden and balcony on our Pinterest pin board.


Wasps nest, garden, insect