• April 24, 2024

Quotes about love

Whether in poems, songs, films or books - everywhere we encounter the theme of love. Why is simple: Because there is nothing in the world that moves us that way. Love affects us all, no matter if we are in a relationship or looking for the right partner. Love fills, invigorates and goes to the heart. Let's face it: cuddling on the couch on Fridays in the evening and watching a soulful love film - what more delights our soul? And the poetry fans among us may devour old love poems by Shakespeare or Goethe. Emotional, magical, magical!

Do you remember? Already at school, we have lavled sweethearts, love poems or love quotes - some of them are still remembered today. Maybe we even wrote a love poem ourselves. And take a look around: You or your friends will probably have a pillow with a nice quote or slogan lying on the couch somewhere at home, wear T-shirts with "All you nee is love" or have a picture with a love quote on the wall hang. Love is just everywhere around us. It warms, comforts and makes you so happy!

Love poetry, however, does not only make us happy. Especially for Valentine's Day or for the wedding, it is advisable to beautify the gift with a beautiful love quote or love saying. Only then will you fill them with life! Also, if you write a declaration of love to your loved one, a love quote will crown your text. Whether by world-famous poets, actors or simply by Twitter or Facebook - there are lots of sayings around the topic of love, in all variants! From beer-serious and dramatic to funny and ironic.

Time to meet a small selection for you. Here are the most beautiful love quotes for you. The people you love can surely make you shine with these charming words. And yourselves is guaranteed to warm your heart! Click through: Which saying or quote do you like most? If a baby was recently born in your circle of acquaintances, you will find suitable quotations for the birth here.

By the way, you can find even more sayings in our special: Proverbs.

Most Heart Touching Love Quotes (April 2024).

Quotes, love, relationship, feelings, sayings, sayings love