Qigong exercises for more life energy

Expand the thorax

Opens the body and stretches the spine

1. Stretch your arms forward at chest height, make fists. 2. Set the left foot forward in the bow step, open the arms twice to the side (as if pulling apart the bars). 3. Withdraw your left foot, put your hands on your knees, stretch your knees (hands are loosely on your kneecaps, your elbows are pointing outwards). Go to your knees while keeping your heels on the ground (cheating is allowed). Chin to chest, spine stretch. Raising up again. Repeated repetition. Each page 3 times.

Extension of the abdominal and back muscles

Spread Qi throughout the body

Both arms stretched out in front of the body to lift up above the head. Tilt upper body slightly backwards (only with healthy back, otherwise not overstretched), stretch front. Hull with straight arms and straight legs bent forward? Feel stretching in the legs. Raise up again, keeping your arms straight up and then open over the head to the funnel (45 degrees), palms facing each other. At the same time bow step left forward. Back to the starting position. Repeat 3 times with each side.

Tilt the upper body

Stretches and releases blockages

Put your left foot shoulder-width apart, stretch your left arm sideways until it is vertical (palm then points to the right). Support the right hand in the hip, flex the entire torso 3 times to the right, left arm remains stretched next to the ear, bend the left knee while doing so. Stretching the left side of the body and the inside of the right leg feel. Do not make a hollow cross! Repeat reversed. On each side 3 times.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong [All 5 Chapters] (May 2024).

Life Energy, Balance, Health, Sport, Gymnastics, Mini Workout, Harmony, Qigong