Proved: Children inherit their intelligence from THIS parent!

So, dear men, now you have to be very strong. Many of you imagine that your children are something like their little representatives in the world, in extreme cases they may even be your "mastermind" who will dignify you even after your demise. And an important part of that, of course, is that the kid has the greatest features of course "Daddy".

Study: Intelligence is inherited from mom

But the fact is, if they are reasonably intelligent in life, they owe it to their mother. A new study now shows that a person's intelligence is very much derived from his mother's intelligence. The basis of this discovery are the so-called "conditioned genes" of humans, which have different degrees of influence, depending on who they were inherited from. In simple terms, it is not only twice as likely that the mother's "intelligence genes" are passed on to the child - the father's genes are usually not activated at all.

Many test series come to the same result

But genetics is not everything, even in development the mother plays an important role in the formation of intelligence. Researchers at the University of Minnesota were able to show that children with particularly strong ties to their mother at the age of two could solve more complex tasks and did not give up as quickly as other peers.

And another study seems to confirm this relationship: it has been proven in about 12,000 subjects between the ages of 14 and 22 that their IQ mostly differed only slightly from that of their mother. The alleged "Nobel laureates" who deliver fertilization clinics anonymous sperm donations are so totally overrated.

Do not panic, dads!

But, dear men, you still feel flattered: intelligent children have an intelligent mother above all - and they would hardly want to have a child with a complete idiot, right?

Video Recommendation:

Mom vs. Dad: What Did You Inherit? (May 2024).

Intelligence, inheritance