Prince Philip: That's his apology for the car accident

So now: About one and a half weeks after his car accident, Prince Philip (97) has apologized to Emma Fairweather. The woman broke her wrist during the collision. The Sunday Mirror published the letter in which the Prince Consort of Queen Elizabeth II (92) asks forgiveness. "I want you to know how much I regret my involvement in the accident," writes Prince Philip.

"I am very contrite"

How exactly it came to the accident, he could not really explain, possibly the sun blinded him: "I can only guess that I did not see the car coming, and I am very contrite in the face of the consequences." He was deeply sorry that she had suffered a fractured bone. He wishes her a "speedy recovery" from this "very regrettable experience".

Prince Philip was cruising near the Royal Manor of Sandringham in East-England with his mighty SUV when he crashed into the Fairweather compact car. The British Royal remained uninjured.

Prince Philip apologizes to victim in car crash (May 2024).

Prince Philip, Car Accident, Apology, Car, Prince Philip, Car Accident, Sorry, Royals