Pretty annoying: earache

home remedies

Often heat relieves the stinging earache (red light, heat pack from the pharmacy). An old home remedy is onion wraps (wrap small chopped onion in a tissue, place on ear, cotton wool and a cap over it). If the pain prevents sleep, it helps to store the upper part of the body, which reduces the pressure in the ear.

Alternative medicine

Careful kneading of the cartilaginous projection at the beginning of the ear canal can bring relief. Simultaneously massage this area on both ears (even if only one hurts!) Between thumb and forefinger for three minutes.


The passage between the middle ear and the nose is usually swollen in earache, and the secretion can not drain. In contrast, normal colds help. A painkiller is okay for stronger complaints. Antibiotics bring little in middle ear infections of children, as shown by recent studies. In acute pain also helps the anthroposophic remedy Apis / Levisticum II, five beads every hour until the symptoms subsided, then three times a day. A recommendation from homeopathy: If you notice the first signs of ear infection, take every half hour two beads of the homeopathic remedy Ferrum phosphoricum D6.

When to the doctor?

For fever over 39 ° C, for very severe pain or if the pain does not subside after two days.

Can earache give you a headache ? | Best Health FAQ Channel (May 2024).

Ear pain, home remedies, heat, pain, complaint, pharmacy, alternative medicine, home remedies, earache